Public Consultation on BAPETEN's Draft Regulation on Radiation Safety in the Use of Baggage Scanning Equipment
Kembali 02 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) BAPETEN held a public consultation with stakeholders in the context of preparing a draft BAPETEN regulation on Radiation Safety in the Use of Baggage Scanning Equipment in Surabaya, Tuesday (2/8/2022). This event is attended by the holders of permits for the use of baggage scanning equipment and the relevant Ministries or Agencies.

This activity aims to discuss, exchange views, and solicit input from stakeholders regarding radiation safety aspects in the use of baggage scanning equipment. With this activity, it is hoped that the products of the laws and regulations made are able to be applied and effective.

imgkontenimgkontenThe use of ionizing radiation sources in the use of baggage scanning equipment is urgently needed by the public to detect explosives, organic and inorganic materials, metals and/or non-metals, and prohibited or dangerous items. So it is necessary to guarantee radiation protection and radiation safety in the use of baggage scanning equipment.

imgkontenThe event began with a report from BAPETEN Associate Radiation Supervisor Dwihardjo Rushartono who said that this activity was carried out using a hybrid method which was attended by 36 offline participants and 76 online participants. This event was moderated by BAPETEN Nanang Young Radiation Supervisor Herru Purnomo.

The official opening was carried out by the Coordinator of the Health, Industry, and Research Regulation Function Group (PKIP) Soegeng Rahadhy. In his presentation entitled “Aspects of Radiation Protection and Safety and Its Arrangements” he emphasized the importance of having a nuclear energy utilization permit.

"Any person or entity that will utilize nuclear energy must have a nuclear energy utilization permit and meet radiation safety requirements, except those whose modalities are exempt from supervision." Soegeng said.

imgkontenimgkontenFurthermore, the presentation was continued by Dwihardjo Rushartono entitled Preparation of the Draft Bapeten Regulations on Radiation Safety in the Use of Baggage Scanning Equipment. He emphasized the importance of radiation protection and radiation safety to provide protection for humans and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation.

Before the event closes, participants are allowed to provide questions, suggestions, or criticisms about the draft regulations of the body that are in the process of being drafted. It is hoped that after the draft regulation has been officially promulgated, it can be implemented properly by stakeholders. (DP2FRZR/Nanang Herru/BHKK/Da/OR/RA)

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