Public Consultation of Urgent Draft Revision of Government Regulation Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management with Stakeholders of West Java Province
Kembali 25 Juni 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) held a public consultation (KP) activity for the preparation of the Urgent Draft Revision of Government Regulation (PP) Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management with stakeholders on June 25, 2024, in Bandung in a hybrid manner. The activity began with a report on the preparation of the implementation of the activity submitted by the Coordinator of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Function Group (KF PPRKL), Aris Sanyoto. Aris reported that this activity invited the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), universities, professional associations, practitioners from the industrial and medical sectors, and Radiation Protection Officers (PPR). The activity was attended offline by 32 participants and online by 120 participants either through the Zoom Meeting application or the YouTube channel.
Directions, reports, and an opening by Mukhlisin, the Director of DP2FRZR, followed. According to Mukhlisin's views, PP Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management seeks to safeguard the environment, workers, and community from potential risks posed by radioactive waste by enacting laws that prioritize worker, community, and environmental safety. In order to prepare for the urgent reform of government rules, such as PP Number 61 of 2013 regulating Radioactive Waste Management, KP is a crucial step. At the conclusion of his remarks, Mukhlisin expressed his hope that this activity would be a valuable momentum to unite the vision in developing radiation safety and radioactive substance security in Indonesia and could be an important foundation for all stakeholders at the center and in the regions. The objective is to gather input from various stakeholders, including the community, industrial business actors, academics, and NGOs, to ensure that the revisions made can accommodate various perspectives and needs.
The event then proceeded with presentations by Mukhlisin on Policy Direction in the Utilization of Nuclear Energy, Aris Sanyoto on the Urgent Manuscript of Draft Revision of PP Number 61 of 2013 on Radioactive Waste Management, and Dwihardjo Rushartono, Functional Radiation Supervisor, on the Licensing System.
Discussions and Q&A sessions on topics like system integration, waste minutes, re-export to the country of origin, orphan sources, financial guarantees, opportunities for business entities to manage radioactive waste, container transport, and the disposal of radioactive waste from sources without complete documentation.
As a closing statement, Mukhlisin appreciated every person who took part in the activity, including those who attended physically and virtually. Very insightful feedback was gathered with the KP and will be addressed further. As an indicator of the regulations' application, it is then intended that the participants will keep contributing. (DP2FRZR/Intanung Syafitri/BHKK/Ra/Translator: GP)
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