Public Consultation of Bapeten Regulation Draft on Aging Management of Nuclear Reactors In Bandung
Kembali 17 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The selection of Bandung as a place of public consultation is adapted to the historical development of nuclear technology. The Triga 2000 reactor, Indonesia's first nuclear reactor, is in Bandung, has been operating safely and securely since 1965. BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials, held a Public Consultation on of Bapeten Regulation Draft on Aging Management of Nuclear Reactors, Wednesday, 16 June 2021.

The event was opened by Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, she conveying "this activity aims to gather input from stakeholders, against the revision of Bapeten’s Regulation (Perba) No. 8 of 2008 concerning the Safety Provisions of Non-Reactor Aging Management to be replaced. Since its enactment in 2008 it has only applied to non-reactors, while the mandate of Government Regulations (PP) No. 54 of 2012 on the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations on aging must be designed for all nuclear installations from design to operation in minimizing aging.



"In addition, there must be periodic evaluation of aging management programs and thorough assessments, so that facilities can operate safely. Talking about aging is critical Structures, Systems, and Components (SSK). An important point in aging management is the determination of critical SSK in a nuclear installation that is sometimes an obstacle. With this meeting, it is expected that comments and suggestions for improvements to the draft to the regulations will be able to be implemented properly" she said.


The event continued with a presentation on Review of Bapeten’s Regulation No.8 of 2008 on NonReactor Aging Management by Nuclear Supervision Expert Heryudo Kusumo, he conveyed "Aging Management was carried out to ensure the facility could function in accordance with the age of its design. One way to prove the reactor can still operate especially in terms of aging, take footage of critical components from the reactor core, if it qualifies then the operating permit can be extended or if it does not qualify can replace the critical component.

And the presentation on SSG-48 Aging Management of Nuclear Reactors by Undamaged Test, Expert Sri Nitiswati explained "from an economic point of view, the extension of the operating life of nuclear reactors means cost savings. So that the aging management of nuclear reactors must be carried out at the design, fabrication and construction stages, commissioning, operations, long-term operations, stop operation stages and decommissioning stages."

Furthermore, the presentation from BATAN on Aging Management and Degradation Mechanisms at Triga 2000 Bandung Reactor by Djoko Hadi Prayitno and the presentation on the Ability of DS509G in The Aging Management of Triga Reactor 2000 Bandung by Abdul Rohim Iso Suwarso.


The public consultation was conducted offline and online, and attended by academics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Padjajaran University (UNPAD), and BATAN.

The event was closed by Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials Haendra Subekti, he said "BAPETEN will consider all inputs from experts and stakeholders. Related to aging becomes the obligation of permit holders implemented in aging management programs. The contents of the program, adjusted to the characteristics of each reactor. Through this activity, many inputs were received by BAPETEN, both through presentations from speakers, and during QnA sessions. This will be an input material for BAPETEN." [DP2IBN/Manda/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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