Public Consultation in the Framework of Preparation of The Draft Regulations of Head of BAPETEN on the Safety of Radioactive Transportation
Kembali 05 Februari 2018 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Public Consultation on the Draft Regulation of Head of BAPETEN on the Safety of Transportation of Radioactive Substance with Stakeholders in Surabaya, on Thursday (1/2/2018).

This event’s aim is to gather stakeholder’s input on the draft of Head of BAPETEN Regulation on the Safety of Radioactive Transportation so that stakeholders also participate in the drafting of this Head Regulation.

Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assesment, Yus Rusdian Akhmad, gave his direction and also officially opened this Public Consultation. In his direction, Yus invites the participants to give inputs so that this regulation can be agreed together and in the future will be even better.


Head of Transportation Department of East Java Province also gave an opening speech, which represented by Technical Implementation Head of Department of Transportation of East Java Province, Imam Chairil Shaleh, thanked BAPETEN in convening this event in East Java Province. In his speech, Imam said, "East Java's selection as one of the public consultation locations is very appropriate because this province is an economic barometer of East Indonesia, has various phenomenal and beautiful tourist destinations and distinctive culinary".


Imam also added that air, sea, and land transportations have different treatment and safety standards, so they have to follow Law about transportation and must be implemented in an integrated manner, including with BAPETEN.

The event was followed by a presentation from the Directorate of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (RSFS) Regulatory Assesment, Ishak, who presented Law of RSFS, Government Regulation Number 58 Year 2015 on Radiation Safety and Security of Radioactive Transportation, Draft of BAPETEN’s Head Regulation on Safety of Radioactive Transportation.


Participants were very enthusiast in following the event by asking many questions in the discussion and question and answer session. The event was attended by participants from the Indonesian National Army, Transportation Department, Health Department, Fire Department and agencies in industry using radioactive.(BHO / AQ / AA)




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