Public Consultation Forum: Joint Review of the Revised Syllabus for the Testing of Nuclear Material and Installation Officers
Kembali 23 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN) held a Public Consultation Forum in the form of a communication forum with stakeholders in the Joint Review of the Revision of the Nuclear Installation and Materials Officer Testing Syllabus on 22-23 September 2022 in Serpong, South Tangerang. The activity of preparing the Revision of the Nuclear Material and Installation Officer Testing Syllabus in the context of developing testing service standards and adjusting to the latest regulations, namely BAPETEN Regulation No. 7 of 2019 concerning Work Permits for Nuclear Material and Installation Officers.


The activity was attended by 36 participants, consisting of stakeholders, namely representatives from the three non-power reactors of the Department of Nuclear Facility Management (DPFK)-BRIN, representatives from the DPFK-BRIN Nonreactor Nuclear Installation (INNR) facility, representatives from PT. INUKI, and representatives from the Directorate of Competency Development (DPK)-BRIN, as well as a team of BAPETEN IBN Officer examiners. The activity aims to harmonize the draft syllabus that has been prepared with the actual conditions implemented at reactor and INNR facilities, absorbing aspirations and feedback from stakeholders.

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This activity was opened by the Coordinator of the Certification and Validation Function Group Adi Dradjat Noerwasana representing the Director of Regulatory Supervision of Nuclear Installations and Materials. In his remarks, he said that "The draft revision of the testing syllabus resulting from BAPETEN's internal discussion is very necessary to be consulted further by involving stakeholders so that this service standard is able to accommodate aspirations and mutual understanding". Before discussing the draft revision of the syllabus, participants first attended a dissemination from the Policy Analyst at the Deputy for Public Services of Kemenpan RB, Junaidi Sinaga, who presented the Policy for Organizing Public Consultation Forums.

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During the activity, the agenda at this Forum Group Discussion (FGD) discussed the revision of the Nuclear Installation and Materials Officer Testing Syllabus which was divided into several working groups by discussing:

1) Syllabus of Non-Power Reactor Supervisors and Operators

2) Syllabus of Non Reactor Nuclear Installation Supervisor and Operator

3) Syllabus of Non-Power Reactor Supervisor and Maintenance Technician

4) Syllabus of Installation Radiation Protection Officer and Nuclear Materials, and

5) Syllabus of Supervisor and Nuclear Material Inventory Officer

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From the Joint Review activities, it is expected to improve the quality of testing services for IBN officers and can provide benefits by ensuring safety, security, and seigard in the utilization of nuclear installations and materials. [DPIBN/Anton/Awaludin/BHKK/CD]

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