Public Consultation Discussing the Revision of the Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No.16 year 2014
Kembali 07 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Regulatory Development for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) held public consultation with stakeholders in the framework of the revision of Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No.16 year 2014 on The Work Permits of Certain Officers Working in Installations Utilizing Ionizing Radiation Sources. The activity conducted online on Thursday (06/05) invited representatives of educational/training institutions, including FMIPA-Universitas Indonesia, STTN, Faculty of Vocational-UNAIR, Poltekes-Semarang, UNDIP, Faculty of Vocational-Universitas Airlangga, PT. Intergy Indonesia, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta, and Pusdiklat BATAN. There was also BAPETEN Education and Training Centre, Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR), Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN), and Directorate of Inspection for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DIFRZR).

The event began with a presentation by Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Coordinator Aris Sanyoto. He explained that there are several reasons for the change, namely the input of the IAEA IRRS Mission, field experience in the field, either at the time of inspection or when testing prospective Radiation Protection Officers (PPR), the opening opportunities and encouraging the development of Professional Certification Institutions (LSP) and Training Institutions, and the desire to create competency standards for PPR so that the in resulting PPR competency standards. With this change, in the future, PPR training and refreshment can be opened to be implemented by training institutions. In addition, it can also provide opportunities for foreign workers in order to support the ASEAN Economic Community (AA).

In this event, representative of an institution or organization is given the opportunity to respond to the draft that has been submitted. Some questions or inputs are directly accommodated, but there are also those that will be further discussed in BAPETEN. Considering the changes in the draft Regulations is quite significant, so this Public Consultation is crucial in the process of drafting legislation.


Meanwhile, the linkage of The Ministry of Health Regulation No.24 year 2020 who opens the opportunity to trap Medical Physicists as Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) became an important issue that was surfaced by Zainal Arifin from UNDIP. The proposal for the creation of a tiered PPR (leveling), consisting of PPR experts (Radiation Protection Expert) and field PPR (Radiation Protection Officer) became an important input from representatives of the Center for Medical Physics and Biophysics (CMPB)-FMIPA-UI.

Representatives from PT. Intergy Indonesia Mauliddin Sinaga, gave several input points, especially about the grouping of PPR which aims to facilitate in the process of appointing training institutions, especially regarding the scope of training later. In addition, the change in the standard of graduation grades from a minimum of 60 to 70 is also a concern for meeting participants. The determination of these values has certainly taken into account the competency standard system built in this Bapeten’s Regulation. Furthermore, the Director of DP2FRZR stated, with the establishment of a competency-based PPR, it is expected to improve the quality of Indonesian PPR, so that it is able to compete internationally. [DP2FRZR/VZ/BHKK/IP/OR/RA]




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