Preventing Radioactive Source Theft and Sabotage, BAPETEN Holds PKSR Training
Kembali 09 Maret 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

One of the front guard in securing radioactive sources contained in the company that uses BAPETEN license is the Radioctive Source Security Officer (PKSR). For this reason, PKSR plays an important role in maintaining the safety and security of these radioactive sources. On 10 to 12 March 2020, The Education and Training Center of BAPETEN held a radioactive source security training in the Education and Training Center Building in Cisarua, Bogor.

The program began with a report on the readiness of training by the Head of the Organizing Section and Training Facilities Umul Khair, who said that the aim of the training was to increase knowledge, skills, expertise and attitudes to be able carry out the duties and functions of PKSR in a professional personality and ethics according to agency needs.


1st Period of PKSR training participants are 21 people from companies and institutions that utilize radioactive sources in Indonesia. Umul hopes that participants can take part in this training well so that they can graduate 100%.

The Head of Education and Training Center Lukman Hakim officially opened this training. In his remarks, Lukman said that participation in this training was one of the requirements in applying for a license as stipulated in PP No. 33 of 2007 concerning Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Security of Radioactive Sources, PP No. 29 of 2008 concerning Licensing for Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources and Nuclear Materials, as well as BAPETEN's Chairman Regulation No. 6 of 2018 concerning Safety of Radioactive Sources.


Furthermore, Lukman said, "PKSR is an extension of BAPETEN, because your company that uses and utilizes nuclear power, then you as the PKSR must guard it."

Radioactive sources should not fall into the hands of undue people, "do not allow theft or sabotage of radioactive material. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen are trained here in order to have the ability as a reliable PKSR officer", Lukman added.


Through this training, it is hoped that the knowledge gained can be shared and applied in their respective institutions, "we hope that you can focus for 3 days so that the knowledge delivered during the training can be maximally received and can be transferred to others", Lukman said. [bhkk / bsb]




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