Preparation of Joint review and Networking of BAPETEN Licensing Work at Udayana University, Bali
Kembali 25 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN gave direction that in facing the challenges of the nuclear energy plant (PLTN) development plan and to support technical evaluation until the issuance of a nuclear reactor licensing decision by BAPETEN, it was necessary to map experts in joint review activities. For this reason, the Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) BAPETEN, led by the Director DPIBN BAPETEN Budi Rohman, visited the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University Bali on August 25, 2022. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Udayana University I Ketut Sudarsana, Ph.D along with related staff and students participated in this activity.

Budi Rohman in his speech stated that DPIBN was mandated to expand cooperation and the establishment of working networks with academics from universities who will act as technical support organizations and assist in technical evaluations with expertise outside the main tasks of DPIBN.

Furthermore, Budi Rohman stated that "BAPETEN and Udayana University already have a memorandum of understanding and DPIBN wants to take the maximum benefit from the implementation of the MoU in accordance with DPIBN's duties" he explained.


In this activity, DPIBN also wants to get an overview of the expertise possessed by the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, which is expected to able to assist BAPETEN and work together to support the evaluation of licensing techniques, given the availability of human resources at BAPETEN which is not sufficient to carry out all evaluations independently.

"BAPETEN's collaboration with various entities is something that is usually done both internationally, between supervisory bodies of other countries, or universities," added Budi Rohman.

Meanwhile in his remarks, I Ketut Sudarsana stated that the Faculty he leads welcomed BAPETEN's visit and in the future hoped to establish cooperation related to the Tri Darma of higher education and the era of becoming an independent campus. Udayana University is ready to cooperate with government agencies and the industrial sector.


Furthermore, it was explained that even though Udayana University does not have expertise and research related to nuclear, for example for site aspects, it can contribute with its professors in the field of geotectonic, research experience related to cooling water and other expertise in the fields of welding, structure and material science. Some staffs at the Faculty of Engineering are also actively involved in renewable energy development activities coordinated by the Provincial Government of Bali.

DPIBN BAPETEN is also developing a networking platform and electronic licensing system for nuclear installations and materials called B@lis El Nino (BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System - Licensing for Nuclear Installation and Nuclear Operator) which includes the licensing process for nuclear installations, nuclear materials and their workers.


"The network contains information exchange, experience sharing, national expertise data, and BAPETEN's licensing technical evaluation process" said Wiryono as the Coordinator of the Licensing Function.

In closing, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University submitted a book containing a list of lecturers, research and expertise owned to be a reference for BAPETEN as part of a technical support organization. Both parties agreed that in the future this activity can be followed up in the form of a Cooperation Agreement / GPA. (DPIBN/Ade Awaludin/BHKK/Bams)

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