Preparation of BAPETEN Joint Review and Work Network with Tanjungpura University
Kembali 14 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The establishment of a network to support the permit evaluation process has begun to be carried out by the Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN) BAPETEN. With regard to the planned construction of a nuclear power plant whose prospective site is in Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan, BAPETEN is exploring the establishment of a network and mapping of existing expertise at Tanjungpura University. In particular, BAPETEN paid a working visit to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tanjungpura, in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, on 12 July 2022.

The visit was led by BAPETEN Nuclear Material and Reactor Licensing Function Group Coordinator Wiryono. On that occasion, it was conveyed "This activity is one of the activities that is very necessary related to the exploration of network cooperation for nuclear installations and materials. Among the activities in this network, in the future it will be carried out in the form of a joint review”.


"In facing the challenges of the PLTN construction plan, expert mapping is needed in the framework of a joint review, because the availability of human resources at BAPETEN itself is not sufficient to carry out all evaluations independently. In addition, in order to strengthen the technical support organization (TSO) network in Indonesia, so that all parties, especially academics, can participate in evaluating site safety, approval of the design and construction of nuclear power plants and ultimately participate in the success of development in Indonesia." he added.

“BAPETEN in carrying out joint review activities among others is to guard against conflicts of interest of TS, where external TSOs that have collaborated with or are related to permit applicants will not participate in BAPETEN activities, so it is hoped that BAPETEN's independence will also be maintained. The guidelines used in conducting evaluations are based on national regulations and international standards. he explained.


On that occasion also, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Tanjungpura University, Dr. err. nat. R. M. Rustamaji stated “basically the University of Tanjungpura in general and the Faculty of Engineering are very ready if in the future BAPETEN is asked to help and be involved in the networking platform. There are many teaching staff at Tanjungpura University who are familiar and involved in development in Indonesia. The involvement of Tanjungpura University lecturers nationally, for example structural expertise in Civil Engineering involved as a Team of Building Experts (TABG) in West Kalimantan, the construction of the Tayan Kapuas bridge, in West Kalimantan as project experts/supervisors, and also involved in the construction of the MRT in Jakarta. The Governor of West Kalimantan strongly supports the construction of nuclear power plants in the West Kalimantan region, including by drafting adequate regional regulations to accommodate the construction of nuclear power plants in West Kalimantan.


As a recommendation for the results of this activity for aspects of permitting the construction of nuclear power plants in West Kalimantan, BAPETEN needs to coordinate with the Regional Government (Pemda) of West Kalimantan to assess the readiness of regulatory instruments at the Regional Government related to spatial planning, Regional Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIDA), General Energy Plan Region (RUED). [DPIBN/Awaludin/BHKK/SP]

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