Pancasila Day 2021
Kembali 01 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

According to President Decree No. 24 of 2016 about the Birth of Pancasila, 1 June 1945 has been set as the Pancasila Day, then all components of the nation and people of Indonesia is committed to commemorating the Birth of Pancasila on 1 June.

In the atmosphere of the pandemic Covid-19 as it has been set by the Government through the President Decree No. 12 of the Year 2020 on the Determination of the Disaster Non nature the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a National Disaster, then in order to support the government's efforts in preventing, controlling, and break the chain of spread from COVID-19 in Indonesia, the commemoration of the Pancasila Day 2021 Flag Ceremony conducted in a virtual.



The ceremony implemented by applying the health protocol, on Monday 1 June 1 2021 at the Pancasila building from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was followed by the representatives of the National Army, Police, Students and led directly by the President of the Republic Indonesia Joko Widodo as the Inspector.

President said that the momentum of the Pancasila sanctity day each June 1 should really be used to establish the values of Pancasila in society, in the nation and in the state.



Although Pancasila has been fused in our lives throughout the Republic of Indonesia was established, but the challenges that facing the Pancasila is not getting lighter. Globalization and the interaction between parts of the world does not necessarily increase the similarity of views and togetherness. “Because that's what we should be aware of the increased rivalry and competition, including the rivalry between the family values and inter-ideological” he added.

We need an incredible and new way to take advantage of the development of science and technology, especially the industry revolution 4.0 and Pancasila should be the foundation in the development of the technology in Indonesia.



The president also tells the entire apparatus of government, religious figures, figures of society, professionals and all the people of Indonesia to unite and strengthen the values of Pancasila in Indonesia.

At the end the President said “Welcome to celebrate the Pancasila Day”. The ceremony held virtual followed by the leadership of state institutions, state agencies, K/L, including the followed all employees BAPETEN. The Chairman of BAPETEN follow the zoom meeting ceremony for officials of the country that had been prepared by the committee, while employees BAPETEN following the ceremony from the live broadcast through TVRI or youtube channel BPIP RI. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)



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