Pancasila Birthday Ceremony, 1 June 2020
Kembali 01 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2016 concerning Pancasila Birth Day, that the Government, together with all components of the nation and the Indonesian people, commemorate the Pancasila Birth Day every 1 June , and Presidential Decree Number 11 of 2020 concerning Public Health Emergency Determination of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) and Presidential Decree Number 12 of 2020 concerning Determination of Non-AIam Disasters to Spread Covid-19 as a National Disaster, therefore, the commemoration of the Pancasila Birth Day this year, in the midst of the pandemic Covid-19, was carried out through video conference.

For this reason, all BAPETEN's employees also took part in the ceremony on live streaming via BPIP's social media and TVRI's live broadcast from their respective homes.

The ceremony was chaired directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. In his remarks, he says "Commemoration of the birth of Pancasila this year, we carried out in the midst of Pandemic Covid-19, which tests our fighting spirit as a nation, tests our sacrifice, tests our discipline, tests our obedience, tests our composure, tests our calm in taking quick and appropriate policy steps. "



"In the face of all these tests, we are grateful that Pancasila remains the cornerstone to move all of us. Moving our unity in overcoming all challenges, moving our sense of caring to share with each other, strengthening our brotherhood and mutual cooperation to lighten the burden on all the nation's children and grow our struggle in overcoming every difficulty and challenge we face. "

"We must present the noble values of Pancasila significantly in our lives, the Pancasila must continue to be a value that living and working in our lives, values that work in government policies and decisions, living values continue to surge in the spirit of the Indonesian people. "

"Incessantly, I invite all state of administrators from the central to the regions to continue to strengthen our siding with the people who are in trouble. To serve the community without discriminating against groups, races and religions and to fulfill our obligation to protect the entire Indonesia's blood spill. "

"I also invite all elements of the nation, from Sabang to Merauke from Miangas to Rote Island, to continue to strengthen the ties of unity and brotherhood, help each other and work together, and always optimistic that our nation is a nation of winners in facing every challenge ahead. "

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"Weaknesses not prevent us from moving forward, we must improve our weaknesses together, we must make the momentum of change to trigger a leap of progress so that we become a strong and independent's nation that stands on its own feet."

"The challenges we face are not easy, this year or even next year. We will still face a difficult situation, a situation that requires our struggle as a nation, which requires hard work so we can get through that difficult time. We are not alone, 215 countries in the world also in condition like us, all of us are in trouble but we also have to realize, all countries are competing to be winners. Become a winner in controlling the virus and a winner in economic recovery. As a great nation we must emerge victorious. We must be optimistic, we must be able to create opportunities in the midst of difficulties, we must answer all of them with innovation and real work. "

"We must not stop creating, innovating and achieving in the middle of this Pandemic. Let us prove our resilience, let us win our future, we realize the lofty ideals of the founders of the nation, as brothers and sisters, lets continue to strengthen unity, lets care and share for each others, lets show that we are a strong nation, not only able to face challenges, but a nation that utilizes adversity becomes a leap of progress. Happy birthday Pancasila. Let us always unite to take care each other and always share for the progress of our beloved country", decisives President.

The ceremony, which was held on Monday, June 1, 2020, was closed by singing the Garuda Pancasila's song. [BHKK / SP].

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