Online Entry Meeting with BPK RI
Kembali 18 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held an online entry meeting for the BPK RI's monitoring of Follow-Up of Inpection's Result (TLHP) until Semester I of 2020 on Thursday (18 June 2020). The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso, Head of the General Services and Organization Development Bereau Farid Arif Binaruno, Head of the Planning Financec and Information Bureau of Sugeng Sumbarjo, PPK, Echelon III and IV, Technical Controller of BPK Aries Ridawati along with BPK's Team and APIP BAPETEN.

This meeting is part of the inspection cycle of management and financial responsibility of the state which has an important meaning to ensure that every BPK recommendation contained in the Audit Reports (LHP) has been followed up properly by the relevant officials. In accordance with the provisions that follow-up on recommendations in the audit report must be submitted to BPK 60 days after the audit report is received.


BPK team carries out the task of monitoringk for 5 days, from 8 to 12 June 2020. BPK hoped that the previous findings could be completed as soon as possible. Difficulties in completing follow-up remain to be revealed so that the BPK will coordinate the status of these findings. For example, findings that are not collectible to third parties can be submitted as "Findings That Cannot Be Followed Out With Legal Reasons".

BAPETEN will also continue to work to improve the completion of the follow-up of Inspection's Result to the audit results of BPK, so that there are no administrative sanctions if there are still entity officials who have not followed up on the audit results recommendations.

Due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation of TLHP will be done online. However, if there is an urgent meeting that must be do it by face to face, it will be considered by prioritizing the health protocol. BPK hopes that in the end of June 2020, BAPETEN has been update the monitoring application from BPK. [Insp / Restu / bhkk / bams]




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