Online Dissemination of the Policy for Importing Ionizing Radiation Sources
Kembali 19 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

For the first time the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources of BAPETEN held Online Dissemination of Import Licensing Policy and Transfer of Ionizing Radiation Sources for Medical Purposes on Friday, June 19, 2020. This activity presented speaker from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia and was attended by 100 participants from 64 64 medical equipment importer agencies.

Dissemination begins with the opening from Deputy Licensing and Inspection of Khoirul Huda. Huda said "There is a humanitarian mission in the use of nuclear. The user must prioritize safety for workers, community, and environment. Nuclear hazards to humans which have an impact on their offspring, need to be regulated through the quality of the equipment, operator, and the detectors used. Utilizing ionizing radiation sources, the importer must pay attention to the quota or the amount of equipment, uniformity of type, design space associated scattering of radiation as well as testing. These be the BAPETEN's concern in issuing permits ".



The activity was followed by a presentation on Import Licensing Services Policy by the Director of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances Licensing, Ishak, the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Policy in Radiation Medical Devices Licensing by the Director of Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies Evaluation of IGM Wirabrata, and the Medical Equipment and PKRT Supervision Policy by the Director Supervision of Medical Devices and Household Health Supplies Sodikin Sadek.



Discussion and question and answer moderated by The Head of the Sub-Directorate of Licensing Health Facilities Mukhlisin closed this event. Some things that became a hot topic in the discussion were the quota of import given by BAPETEN, the obligation of importers to submit distribution reports, and the mechanism for issuing permits for distribution of medical devices or AKL at the Ministry of Health. With this dissemination, it is hoped that BAPETEN can accelerate the permit service process and get responses, input and feedback to policies of supervision of ionizing radiation sources, especially in the medical field. [dpfrzr/dwiangesti/bhhk/yul]




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