Nuclear Safety Inspection at Research Reactor Fuel Element Production Plant
Kembali 20 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

As a manifestation of the implementation from BAPETEN's task in overseeing the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia, Directorate of Inspection for Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN) conducts nuclear safety inspections to the Production Plant of Research Reactor Fuel Elements (IPEBRR) – PT.Inuki, Tuesday-Friday (16-19/03).

Inspections are intended to ensure that the operation of IPEBRR will not have a negative impact on the safety of workers, the community, and the environment, in addition to ensuring the suitability of conditions in the field with the conditions of permits and restrictions and operating conditions (BKO) that have been established.


In the opening at the initial meeting (entry meeting) that was held online, Director of Production and Marketing PT.INUKI, Heru Puryanto said, "With this inspection activity, Inuki is expected to be better in the future, and if there are inputs or findings, it becomes INUKI's commitment to make improvements and follow-ups in accordance with existing SOP".



Furthermore, the head of the IPEBRR-1 inspection team, Tino Sawaldi explained the inspection implementation plan and also the areas that are the focus of the inspection implementation this time, namely aspects of operation, maintenance, radiation protection, and nuclear preparedness. Tino said, "In 2020 there has been an extension of IPEBRR operating license, where in the KTUN there are several conditions of permission that will be requested follow-up. Therefore, in this inspection is intended to check the follow-up to some conditions of the permit, in addition to seeing also the follow-up that IPEBRR has done to the findings of previous inspections."


The inspection activity begins with the process of checking documents conducted online, where the inspector team checks the documents that have been uploaded by the previous facility. Further verification is carried out to the field to see the conditions in the facility, including testing several existing safety systems.


The nuclear safety inspection ended with an online exit meeting, the intended to discuss and confirm all inspection findings including the facility's commitment to follow up on all of the findings. In the exit meeting, Tino expressed his gratitude to the management and all IPEBRR staff who have helped the smooth inspection activities.[BHKK/AQ/RA/OR]




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