National Webinar on Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL)
Kembali 31 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) held a National Webinar on Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) with the theme “Determination of National DRL as an Effort to Ensure Radiological Patient Safety” on Wednesday (31/03). This webinar aims to provide a deeper understanding of DRL and its benefits.

Webinars are conducted online through the Zoom application and YouTube live streaming. This webinar was attended by around 300 participants from various regions in Indonesia, starting from representatives of hospital management, doctors, medical physicists, radiographers, medical Radiation Protection Officers (PPR), to academics.


The event began with an opening by the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN) Dahlia C. Sinaga. In her speech, Dahlia said that BAPETEN was very concerned about the patient's dose. In addition, there are limitations that must be agreed together, so that the dose given to the patient can be optimized and effective.

"Later on, when entering the data dose given to the patient is the data dose that already optimized, so that the existing data can be very useful in determining the national DRL. These data also can be useful for medical practitioners in the next dosing, as a basis/direction in treating patients, so that optimization of radiation protection for patients can be achieved," explained Dahlia.

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This webinar presented 3 speakers from representatives of the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS), the Indonesian Medical Physicist Alliance (AFISMI), and internal BAPETEN. The first presentation related to "Assurance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Patient Safety Through Patient Radiation Dose Monitoring" delivered by dr. Firdaus Sai Sohar SpRad(K),SpKN,FISQua. The second presentation by the Coordinator of Health Assessment of BAPETEN Rusmanto related to "Implementation of Optimizing on Patient Radiation Protection through Determination of the National DRL" and the third by Indah Lestariningsih as the representative of AFISMI who presented "The Role of Medical Physicists in Management of Patient Radiation Doses Based on DRL".

BAPETEN itself, this year will initiate a meeting with stakeholders in relatives ministries, academia, and professional organizations to agree the value of DRL that will apply nationally. National DRL only can be formulated and determined if patient data dose from all regions in Indonesia has been collected for further processing. [BHKK/IP/RA]

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