Monitoring Surveillance and Inspection to the Health Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II
Kembali 12 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN and the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR)BAPETEN carried out surveillance of Nuclear Training and Radiation Safety Inspection to Health Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, as a Nuclear Training Institution for the scope of Level 2 Medical Radiation Protection Officers, and as a Facility holding a license for the utilization of ionizing radiation sources.

This joint activity aims for BAPETEN to carry out its supervision to facilities / institutions holding BAPETEN licenses with different objects of supervision but in one facility. The purpose of this surveillance activity is to ensure the quality of training implementation carried out by the Nuclear Training Institute in order to produce Radiation Protection Officers, which are in accordance with the competencies expected in the Head of BAPETEN Regulation No. 16 of 2014, which is carried out at least once during the appointment period. Meanwhile, the purpose of inspection activities is to ensure radiation safety compliance at the facility as a permit holder.

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The activity which was held on September 8-9, 2022, was received by Deputy Director II of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II Junaedi, who was accompanied by the Head of the ATRO Department Nursama Heru, stating "asking for guidance from BAPETEN in improving the quality of nuclear training, conducted by the Health Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II. And committed to meeting radiation safety compliance as a permit holder for the utilization of ionizing radiation sources.


Surveillance of the Health Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, conducted by the BAPETEN Radiation Monitoring Team, namely Team Leader Rini Suryanti, Team Members Deddy Rusdiana and Eko Sapto Aji. Surveillance activities carried out include auditing quality management system documents, implementing a training institution management system through record checks, both quality records and technical records, and assessing the performance of training institutions as evidenced in the training implementation report that has been carried out and conducting a re-assessment of facilities and infrastructure.

While the Radiation Safety Inspection activities of the Health Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, carried out by the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisory Team, namely Team Leader Edhy Kunto Wibowo, Team Members Zalfy Hendry Eka Putra and Dewi Lelyana Maharani. Inspection activities are carried out through checking the suitability of documents such as nuclear licensing conditions, personnel data, personnel and health dose monitoring, availability of radiation protection equipment, documents with management and field observations by conducting radiation monitoring and measuring radiation exposure rates around the X-ray room.

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At the end of the activity, the Surveillance Team and the Inspection Team held an exit meeting, by submitting the Minutes of the Implementation of Surveillance and Inspection, which contained findings that must be improved and followed up by theHealth Engineering Clinic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta II, to improve the management of the Training Institute and the application of radiation safety in the use of radiation facilities within a predetermined period of time. [DKKN/Esa/BHKK /RA/SP]

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