Management Review Meeting of the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) in 2024
Kembali 04 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETENThe Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) held the Management Review Meeting (KUM or Kaji Ulang Manajemen) of the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) in 2024 on Friday, October 4, 2024, in Jakarta. The Management Review Meeting, or Management Review, is a part of the implementation of ISO 9001 Certification and a requirement for ISO 17024 Accreditation, which aims to ensure the performance of the management system in DKKN is in accordance with the required standards.
The meeting was attended by the Director of DKKN, Zulkarnain; representatives from the Bureau of Organisation and General Services (BOU); representatives from the National Standardization Agency (BSN); coordinators in DKKN; and all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in DKKN. The meeting was opened with remarks from the Director of DKKN, Zulkarnain, who, in his remarks, emphasized the importance of management reviews as a means to identify deficiencies and opportunities to carry out improvements and developments in the future.
The basis of this activity is because of the demand for continuous improvement related to the business processes in DKKN, especially in Quality Assurance Function Group-DKKN (KFJM-DKKN), and fulfilling one of the requirements of ISO 9001 certification and ISO 17024 accreditation. Carrying out periodic management reviews, namely once every 12 months, is one of the leadership's commitments in implementing the management system for the sake of a smooth management system that produces outputs that can be used as a reference in carrying out effective, efficient, productive, balanced activities and realizing employee well-being and happiness.
The event continued with a management system report by the activity manager, Rini Suryanti, who conveyed the background, objectives, and progress of the management system that had been achieved until 2024 and also conveyed the next target. In this KUM, there was also learning from outside the agency, namely representatives from BSN. The event then ended with a presentation by the head of the working group, Edhy Kunto Wibowo, who explained the points in the KUM that would be discussed one by one as a follow-up based on the leadership's direction, one of which was the findings of the internal audit and external audit and the results of the public satisfaction survey for the scope of the ISO 9001 certificate.
The activity proceeded without problems and yielded a number of strategic recommendations that will be implemented to improve DKKN's management system in compliance with ISO 9001 certification and ISO 17024 accreditation. It is intended that this meeting will help to preserve and improve the standard of public services delivered by DKKN. [Ekosapto/DKKN/OR/BHKK/Translator: GP]
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