M. Alfian, Our Friend Has Passed Away
Kembali 15 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Life is a series of time. Time after time is woven into one, given to every human being until a certain limit of that time ends. That is the deadline given by Allah Almighty to us. Therefore, every human being passed away, a deadline. When the deadline given has expired, then no one can ask for it to be suspended.

That's also what happened to our friend Muhammad Alfian, who has ended his service as a Servant of God on Saturday, 13 August 2022, at 14.20 WIB at the hospital. Dr. Sutomo Surabaya. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun, verily we belong to God and it is to Him that we Return.



The deceased died aged 47 years after treatment since 8 August 2022, and was buried on Sunday, 14 August 2022 at the Surabaya Public Cemetery. The obtained info from his colleagues, there is a possibility that the deceased had pain in the stomach and also his lungs.


When the deceased was still being treated at William Booth Hospital Surabaya, his colleagues at the Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (P2STPFRZR) once tried to get rid of him, but it was not allowed by the Hospital because it was still a covid atmosphere. His colleagues did not expect he leave so quickly, "Even though he just called me yesterday, and said he had anemia" said one of his friends, Pandu Dewanto.


He served in the Industrial and Research Engineering Function Group and his last assignment was as the drafting Team for the Joint Convention on The Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on The Safety of Radioactive Waste Management report whose results were delivered yesterday at the JC_IAEA meeting in Vienna, 27 June to 8 July 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Truly, we colleagues in Bapeten feel great loss over the passing. What is memorable about his critical, straightforward and also generous nature.

Good-bye, friend, may you ever be happy in the arms of His affection. Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fuanhu, "Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, take away and forgive his sins." aamiin ya robbal 'alamiin.


Even though we are young, healthy, strong and may even still be in office, it could be passed away comes suddenly. It does not wait for our repentance, but it is we who must repent frequently, while waiting for it to come. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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