Technical Guidance of DRL and Si-INTAN
Kembali 18 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

For the implementation of the function monitoring the utilization of nuclear energy in health facilities that have diagnostic and interventional radiology facilities and diagnostic nuclear medicine, on Thursday (18/3) BAPETEN held Technical Guidance (Bimtek) Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) and Si-INTAN for medical physicists and Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) in health facilities.

The event was opened by the Coordinator of Health Assessment Rusmanto representing the Head Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR). He said that in the treatment of radiology patients should not arbitrarily give radiation to patients, should pay attention according to ethics. Radiation should be administered as needed.


“We must know how to make the radiation that we provide according to what its need, not to a minimum, because if less then the image that appears does not to be sufficient for diagnostic needs, butit should be as needed. Receiving unnecessary radiation doses if left unchecked will increase the risk gained by the patient, and that should be avoided" he said.

Rusmanto hopes that there will be a contribution to si-INTAN data collective related to the modalities owned. "We need support, so this optimization effort continues that we can guide in optimizationfor patient" he said.

Furthermore, Rusmanto congratulated participating in the technical guidance of Si-INTAN Application, "we really hope to be routine and active in Si-INTAN so that the facility has DRL data and for the next can be obtained DRL national level"

To provide a comprehensive understanding participants related to Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) and Si-INTAN application, in this workshop presented material related to "Medical Exposure Optimization through the application of DRL" by Endang Kunarsih, then a presentation on "Introduction to Patient Dose Data Information System Application (Si-INTAN) for Mammography And Dental Radiography Modality" by Ida Bagus Gede Putra Pratama.



And also presentation "Procedure for Reporting Patient Dose Data Mammography and DentalRadiography Through Si-INTAN Application" by Sudrajat and the practice of Dose Data Input to Si-INTAN guided by the speaker.

The event was held in Bandung and attended by 21 participants was carried out with the implementation of strict health protocols to anticipate the transmission of covid-19.

With the implementation of this event, it is expected that health service officers, especially medical physicists and Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) can understand DRL and procedures for the use of Si-INTAN Application, so it is expected that the acceptance of unnecessary exposure for patients due to the inaccuracy of the dose given can be avoided.(BHKK/Bams/RA/OR)






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