Knowledge of Management with Retirement
Kembali 02 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In the framework of knowledge management, BAPETEN held a meeting on discipline and coordination with the theme "Retirement Involvement in Knowledge Management and within the framework of Bureaucratic Reform in the Field of Human Resources (HR)", the event was held online, on Friday, 30 July 2021.

The event was attended by 56 participants, mostly Bapeten retirees. This aims to improve the ability of the organization in managing its intellectual assets in the form of knowledge and experience to achieve better organizational performance, so as to achieve the goal of implementing bureaucratic reforms in Bapeten.



The event was opened by the Head of Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Taruniyati Handayani, she was conveyed "the importance of Knowledge Management and the great expectation of the active role and contribution of retirees, through the knowledge and experience possessed in build BAPETEN for the better."

The speech continued by:

1.Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga, she was conveyed "the improvement of HR competence, especially for juniors through knowledge sharing after this service is needed."

2.Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, he was conveyed "the achievements by BAPETEN, one of which is in the field of public services this year received the top 3 categories of the Ministry of Best OSS implementation, organized by BKPM."

3.Executive Secretary Sugeng Sumbarjo said "BAPETEN has entered the digital era, where almost the entire process of utilization supervision can be done online."

The event continued with the direction from the Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto, he was conveyed "Knowledge is divided into 2 types, namely, Tacit (unreadable knowledge) and Explicit (Readable Knowledge)". Knowledge Management can accelerate Knowledge Acquisition through books or writings.



The activity continued with an introductory presentation of Knowledge Management delivered by the Head ofCenter for Regulatory Assessment of Nuclear Installation and Materials Yudi Pramono and discussions.



At the discussion session, the retirees took turns giving views and inputs on the implementation of Knowledge Management Sharing, including As Natio Lasman, Sukarman Aminjoyo, Heryudo Kusumo, Suhartono Zahir, Sudarto, Besar Winarto, Yusri Heni Nurwidi, Bertie Isa, some input from retirees delivered through chat columns.


In this event, it was also agreed to establish a communication container for retirees as a means of knowledge sharing both for social purposes and a forum for exchanging knowledge and experiences that are useful, especially for juniors at BAPETEN. [P2STPFRZR/Hermansyah/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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