KNKT Working Visit to BAPETEN
Kembali 12 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Currently, the handling of Dangerous and Poisonous Goods (B-3) transportation through flight, shipping, road and rail transportation modes is not optimal. This can be seen from the policies, supervision and operations carried out by transportation operators. Stakeholders do not know the dangers that will occur in the event of an accident at the time of transportation to the destination. For this reason, the National Committee for Transportation Security (KNKT) made a working visit to BAPETEN on Tuesday, 12 July 2022.

The event was opened by Deputy Chairman of Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, he conveyed in relation to the handling of B-3 and Nuclear transportation, it is necessary to understand not only radioactive materials, but also there are some other types, namely nuclear reactors, medical devices that emit radiation, nuclear waste.



The remarks was continued by Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga who said that in terms of transporting nuclear materials BAPETEN carried it out in accordance with Law No. 10 Article 16 of 1997 which requires all activities related to nuclear and radioactive sources must pay attention to safety, security, and peace." From this law, we have produced several Law which regulate the safety of transporting radioactive materials," she said.



Meanwhile, KNKT Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono expressed his optimism about the future of nuclear as an energy source in Indonesia. However, he also highlighted safety and security in terms of the transportation of nuclear materials in Indonesia." We need to discuss how to bring nuclear or radioactive materials safety and securely," said Soerjanto.

The discussion continued with a presentation from Head of the Sub-Committee for Investigation of Traffic and Road Transport Accidents (LLAJ) Wildan who explained the need of regulations for drivers carrying B-3s. "Drivers can take the vehicle for up to 24 hours without worrying about the safety of themselves and others, for that the stakeholders must coordinate further to regulate this", explained Wildan.


BAPETEN has an I-CoNSEP program that allows each stakeholder to coordinate with each other in every activity related to nuclear energy and security throughout Indonesia. BAPETEN is responsible and at the forefront of ensuring the security of nuclear activities for peaceful purposes.

This Working Visit was attended by KNKT, namely the Head of Investigation and Cooperation Services R Indriantono, Head of Investigation Services Subdivision Dian Susanty, along with 4 LLAJ Safety Investigators, namely M. Leksono Sidi, Dessy Setiawati, Jalalaluddin Pasha, Wisnu Hariadi, Shipping Safety Investigator Nico Maris, and KNKT Secretariat Staff Arif Rahman.


Meanwhile, from BAPETEN, the Director of Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Materials Budi Rohman, Director of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials Lukman Hakim, Head of Bureau of Legal, Cooperation and Public Communication, Director of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Zulkarnaen, Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Inspection Function Group Sumedi, and Coordinator of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Regulation Function Group Aris Sanyoto were present.


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