Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and LPNK Perform Strengthening Innovations in the Regions
Kembali 14 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

The working meeting between the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education along with the Non-Ministerial Government Institution (LPNK) with the House of Representatives Commission VII, was held in the Commission VII meeting room, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (1/14/2019) afternoon.

The working meeting which discussed the preparation of the 2019 work program was attended by Secretary General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Ainun Na'im, along with all ranks of Echelon I of Kemenristekdikti and LPNK, including Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, accompanied by Executive Secretary Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, and Head of Planning Bureau Sugeng Sumbarjo.

Many things are a priority in this program such as student programs, public dissemination and prototype dissemination, as well as strengthening innovation for the region discussed. Adjusting to strengthen innovation in the region, Kemenristekdikti and related LPNK have programmed this and can be received directly by the community.

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Last but not least New and Renewable Energy Constitution regarding the urged of the House of Representatives Commission VII so that the discourse on the construction of nuclear power plants in the country will soon be realized. This cannot be received from the national electricity supply which is considered to be inadequate.

The meeting ended with a summary such as Commission RI DPR Commission VII and the Ministry of Research and Technology Echelon I and the Head of LPNK agreeing to complete a detailed list of activities, outputs and locations, as well as the implementation of 2019 priority work programs, to be targeted and provide direct benefits to the community.(bho/pd)




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