Journal of Nuclear Energy Supervision (JUPETEN) Volume 1 Number 1, July 2021 Has Been Published
Kembali 05 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to support the implementation from the task of monitoring the use of nuclear energy is to publish the results of studies, review, surveillance research, research on the use of nuclear energy through the writing and publication of scientific works. Currently, BAPETEN has published a Journal of Nuclear Energy Supervision called JUPETEN as a forum to disseminate the results of surveillance research, new theories and concepts, consensus, practical instructions for daily practice, advances in surveillance of the use of nuclear energy to the public.

In addition, JUPETEN is also a means for Bapeten’s employees and interested parties in developing scientific thinking skills, applying the scientific method in the form of writing scientific papers with regard to the supervision of nuclear energy facilities and activities.


In the JUPETEN there are 4 criteria for the rubric of the article, namely:

1.Surveillance Research Article. It is a report on the results of research on the use of nuclear energy.

2.Concept Article or Review. It is a comprehensive and scientific literature review of a topic, with an emphasis on developments in the last 5 years on standards, international references, regulations, surveillance systems and technologies.

3.Case Study Article. It is an interesting case report, encountered in the field by radiation supervisors, radiation protection officers, medical physicists, radiographers, academics, and practitioners, with a unique degree of difficulty, and provides a lesson.

4.Focus Article or Special Review. It is a description that focuses on certain things / problems, such as regulation, licensing, inspection, study of systems and technologies, radiation protection, or the latest thing about the supervision of the use of nuclear energy.


JUPETEN is published twice in 1 year, in July and December. In 2021, BAPETEN has published JUPETEN Volume 1 Edition Number 1, July 2021, which contains 12 scientific articles of review results, research, and studies related to the use and supervision of nuclear. All articles published in JUPETEN have passed the selection and assessment process by the Bestari Assessment team and Partners.

The topics in this edition are globally related to nuclear supervision, consisting from studies of nuclear supervision to research on the use of nuclear energy in each facility. Through JUPETEN, it is expected that the emergence of innovation and suggestions for improvements related to nuclear supervision, the utilization of nuclear energy so as to realize the safe and secure utilization of nuclear energy.

Jupeten is still in its infancy and development, so input and suggestions on improvement and development towards accredited journals are very much expected. JUPETEN can be accessed via link: [P2STPFRZR/Hermansyah/BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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