Interventional Radiology Protection and Safety Training Batch III
Kembali 29 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Coaching and developing knowledge about radiation protection and safety is the obligation of BAPETEN as a supervisory body that has the task of ensuring safety and security in nuclear energy utilization. As an embodiment of one of these training, BAPETEN held face-to-face Intervention Radiology Protection and Safety Training from 29 August to 2 September 2022.

"This training is the first time hold face-to-face or offline, however, it is expected that health protocols must still be obeyed by all of us, to avoid unwanted things," said Umul Khair, Sub Coordinator of the Organizing and Training Facilities Function Group in his report.

"The purpose of this training is to provide knowledge and practice related to radiation protection and safety to support your work, especially those carrying out tasks related to conventional radiology," he said.

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Umul also said that this training would be held for 5 days and on the 4th day there would be field practice at the Siloam Bogor Hospital, with the expectation that the participants could better understand this training.

"Every day you will have a morning quiz to find out how far the participants have understood the material the day before, and later if someone doesn't pass, there will be an opportunity for remedial online once, but we hope that doesn't happen, meaning everyone is expected to pass" he added

Apart from Umul Khair, attending this training was the Head of the BAPETEN Education and Training Division, Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, Program and Evaluation Sub Coordinator Rizal Anggabarata, and related staff of the Training Division. While the participants who took part in this training were 12 people consisting of anaesthetists, nurses, radiographers and other medical personnel.

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In his remarks when opening this training Monday (29/8) Ahmad Ciptadi said "Radiation protection and safety training is a form of BAPETEN's responsibility as a supervisory body in providing knowledge about radiation and how to protect it so that safety is guaranteed in its utilization."

"We need to say that we carry out this training at least 3 times a year, because the community's desire is quite high regarding radiation protection and safety. And we try to provide balanced information and learning about the benefits of nuclear and radiation and their risks," he said.

Ciptadi hopes that the participants can take part in this training well to support the main job duties of each participant.

"We pray and hope that the participants can absorb the material provided for these 5 days and hopefully the knowledge gained can later be used in everyday life, especially to support your work at work. We hope that the participants will be successful in participating in the training and all will pass," said Ciptadi ending his remarks while opening the training by saying Bismillah.

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After the opening, on the first day, there were several materials presented to the participants, namely Instructional Training by Rizal Anggabrata. Radiation Protection and Safety Policy by Ahmad Ciptadi. Laws and Regulations by I Made Ardana and Basic of Radiation Physics by Rohmat Istiawan.

Angga, as Rizal Anggabrata is familiarly called, said that there were much medical personnel who were affected by radiation in carrying out their duties.

"We have met several doctors who carry out tasks related to radiation on a daily, we found that many doctors or medical personnel were affected by the management of this radiation. We can see immediately that there are physical changes in several parts of the medical personnel's body," he said.

"We realize that basically you really want to prioritize good service to patients, but personal safety often goes unnoticed. Therefore, it is hoped that after returning to their respective places, they can practice and share their knowledge and experience with their co-workers, "said Angga added. (BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)


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