Inauguration and Oath Taking of Functional Officials within the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency
Kembali 26 September 2024 | Berita BAPETENBased on the Decree of the Chairman of BAPETEN No. 2536 of 2024 dated September 25, 2024, the Inauguration and Oath Taking / Promise of Functional Officials was held for six employees on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at the BAPETEN Office, Jakarta.
This activity was led by Acting Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, witnessed by the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Haendra Subekti and Principal Expert Radiation Supervisor, Khoirul Huda, as well as Echelon I and II officials within BAPETEN who were present in person.
In his remarks Sugeng Sumbarjo, congratulated employees who were appointed in the Functional Position (JF) of Policy Analyst, Financial Officer and Widyaiswara after conducting competency tests in their respective fields. “As functional officials, you are expected to support the tasks and functions of your respective work units through understanding the basic principles of supervision, improving BAPETEN's performance by evaluating the results of performance appraisals, to improving organizational and employee performance,” he said.
On this occasion, Sugeng explained about planning activities in order to face BAPETEN's challenges in the future, especially the achievement of the Net Zero Emission Target 2060, Pre Licensing for the design of Nuclear Power Plants (PLTN), to the socialization of PLTN supervision.
Based on the Decree of the Head of BAPETEN Number 2536 Year 2024, the following are the names of employees who were appointed along with their latest positions:
1. Deni Rahmat Sanjaya, S.S. as an Associate Expert Policy Analyst
2. Auzan Shadiq, S.Sos. as a Policy Analyst First Expert
3. Yasser Ersyad, S.I.Kom. as a Policy Analyst First Expert
4. Ai Melani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. as First Expert Widyaiswara
5. Niken Pusparini, A.Md. as Supervisor of Budget Finance Officer
6. Syukur Silaturochim, S.M. as an Advanced State Budget Financial Officer
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