Implementation of the Integrity Zone Virtual Evaluation towards a Serving and Clean Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM)
Kembali 20 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) took part in the Implementation of the Integrity Zone Virtual Evaluation towards a Serving and Clean Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM) conducted by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) on Tuesday, 20 September 2022.

Virtually present evaluators from Kemenpan-RB namely M. Ryannasmara and Afif Nur W will assess the progress made by BAPETEN’s DPFRZR after obtaining the WBK title in 2017.

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Meanwhile from BAPETEN, present in person at the BAPETEN building, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso along with several APIPs, DPFRZR Director Ishak who was accompanied by coordinators and related staff.

Ishak explained the Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a WBBM within the DPFRZR in 2022.

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"DPFRZR has an Integrity Zone Development Team (PZI) towards WBBM, where the PZI Team carries out the work program as has been determined, conducts outreach, Monev on the implementation of PZI and all employees have signed the Integrity Pact, and implements ASN's Core Value, namely BerAKHLAK: service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive and collaborative," he said.

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Ishak added that various innovations carried out by DPFRZR resulted in 1). 100% System Integration, User-Friendly and Adaptable 2). Coordination and Collaboration are carried out Periodically and Continuously. 3). Ease in Planning, Implementation and Evaluation using Electronic Applications (Todolist, SUPERSONIK, SIMKA, SERASI, SIMPATIK, Chatbox). 4). Best Employee Award 5). Integration of Balis-BAPETEN and eLIRA-BRIN 6). Licensing Services On Spot Licensing (Online) and On The Spot Licensing (Offline) at Local Health Offices and DPMPTSP.

"For the best employee award, previously it was once every three months, now it's every month. Besides that, what we feel is the result of increasing the level of community satisfaction that we have obtained through surveys, and based on recognition from BAPETEN stakeholders," he explained.

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"The most important thing is that there is no KKN practice in licensing services at BAPETEN because the system is made in such a way, completely online through the Balis system, from application to issuance of permits, making it impossible to have meetings with permit payers," he added.

"In the context of developing an integrity system, a service announcement has been signed which is displayed on the BAPETEN website and BAPETEN social media channels, then monitoring is carried out with the SPIP instrument," he added.


"We also made a letter to all BAPETEN stakeholders regarding the commitment to the anti-corruption and anti-gratification movements. And we have implemented service standards according to ISO 9001: 2015 to increase BAPETEN stakeholder satisfaction”

Complaint management is under the coordination of the BAPETEN Inspectorate, but in accelerating the complaint service BAPETEN also opens complaint numbers, through the website, Instagram and other media.

"Of all the things we have done, thank God, our PNBP acquisition has never been achieved according to the target in previous years, so this year, at the beginning of September 2022, this year's PNBP acquisition target has been achieved," he said.

Answering a question from the evaluator of the Kemenpan-RB about how the DPFRZR can be transmitted to other work units at BAPETEN, Ishak replied that this is done by socializing and also assisting certain work units in this case at BAPETEN there is the BAPETEN Education and Training Division which is also in the process of building the WBK Integrity Zone.

Then still answering questions from Kemenpan-RB evaluators, regarding how to avoid conflicts of interest, Ishak explained that when evaluating permits in the Balis application there is no evaluator's name listed there, the monitoring system for permit evaluation is also tiered, can be monitored directly by the coordinator, director, even BAPETEN Leaders. There is no face-to-face permit applicant with the evaluator.

At the end of the event, the evaluator of Kemenpan-RB said that BAPETEN's Leadership Commitment was very evident in the presence of BAPETEN's Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection at this event. Then the use of Balis which is integrated internally and externally is also quite good, service SOPs are available, then the role of APIP and SPIP implementation has been carried out including the presence of the Head of Inspectorate at this event, which was positively welcomed by Kemenpan-RB.

"Furthermore, the results of this virtual assessment will be brought to the plenary session, to then be discussed comprehensively by the team at the Kemenpan-RB," he said.

While Ishak in his closing remarks said, DPFRZR is a work unit that is very committed to building clean permit services to build the best service.

"At every opportunity, we always convey the importance of the values of integrity to be able to serve the best to the community. We build with the existing system, with IT procedures and systems that we continue to develop," he explained.

"We continue to build coordination and collaboration with all our stakeholders, with local governments including professional associations. And we are open to various criticisms, comments and suggestions which are part of our efforts to make improvements. Hopefully, the service we provide to our stakeholders is the best thing we can offer for this nation and country," he said ending the meeting. (BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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