Implementation of the 2024 Public Service Implementation Assessment at BAPETEN
Kembali 01 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN participated in the Assessment of Public Service Implementation by OMBUDSMAN RI on Monday, July 1, 2024. This activity is a series of 3 days and aim to assess the implementation of public services at BAPETEN to continue to be better.

The activity was attended by Plh. Director of Licensing for Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) Widia Lastana Istanto and Ombudsman Assessment Team Members Putri Utami, Ubaidillah Al Rifqi, Desvia K Nugrahaeni.

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The event was opened with remarks from the Plh. Director of DPIBN who expressed his gratitude to the OMBUDSMAN RI assessment team for being present at the BAPETEN office and carrying out the assessment well. Widia also said “We welcome the team from Ombudsman in this assessment activity, and hope that there will be feedback from Ombudsman so that BAPETEN can improve the quality of public services”. The event continued with interviews with the person in charge, officers and recipients of public services at DPIBN BAPETEN.

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The second day of the series on Tuesday, July 02, 2024 continued the OMBUDSMAN RI continued to asses in the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR), starting with a report by DPFRZR Director Ishak by providing several document studies to check the things needed by the OMBUDSMAN RI assessment team.

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In his delivery, Ishak also said “The results of the evaluation from the OMBUDSMAN RI assessment team can be a system for improving the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of licensing services for nuclear installations and materials at BAPETEN”. The event then continued with an interview Ishak, complaints staff Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function Group Iin Indartati, Fajar waskito public service staff, and prospective license holders regarding the evaluation of public services at BAPETEN.

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The third day of the series on Wednesday, July 03, 2024 continued the OMBUDSMAN RI assessment activities at the Directorate of Nuclear Emergency and Preparedness (DKKN) work unit by starting with a report by Rini Suryanti, Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group by providing several document studies and checking data to check the things needed by the OMBUDSMAN RI assessment team. In her submission, Rini said “DKKN has the task of carrying out the formulation and implementation of technical policies in the field of managing inspection facilities and infrastructure, developing nuclear preparedness, developing systems, services and fostering accreditation and standardization as well as evaluating the quality assurance program for nuclear and radiation installations with the assessment from OMBUDSMAN RI can be a race for our work unit in improving public servants in the future.”

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Like the previous series of assessment days, after checking the documents, an interview session was also held with the service leader as the Director of DKKN Zulkarnain online, while face-to-face with the Quality Assurance Function Group (KFJM) service complaint staff Suryo Adi Ari Santosa, KFJM public service staff Alimuddin and prospective qualified examiners for public service evaluation interviews related to X-ray aircraft conformity test personnel competency certification services with two types of personnel, namely experts and qualified examiners and closed by checking the facilities and infrastructure in the work unit. It is hoped that the results of each work unit evaluation that have been reviewed by OMBUDSMAN RI will become BAPETEN's race to improve the quality of public services (BHKK/OR/CD).

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