Implementation of Supervision of Business Licensing for the Nuclear Sector through Surveillance and Inspection of PT. GE Operations Indonesia and PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial
Kembali 16 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) and BAPETEN’s Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DIFRZR) carry out joint supervision of two business actors in the nuclear sector, namely PT. GE Operations Indonesia and PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial, through the Surveillance and Inspection mechanism on September, 13 – 16, 2022.

As is known, PT. GE Operations Indonesia and PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial are business actors that carry out conformity testing activities as well as imports and transfers of ionizing radiation generators for medical purposes.

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Supervision in the form of Surveillance is carried out by DKKN to assess conformity to the performance of the Conformity Testing Institute after obtaining an appointment from BAPETEN, where BAPETEN must carry out surveillance at least once during the appointment period as mandated in Article 44 BAPETEN’s Regulation No. 2/2018 on the Compliance Test of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Machines. While supervision in the form of inspections is carried out by DIFRZR to ensure compliance with radiation safety at the facility as a permit holder.

PT. GE Operations Indonesia was the first destination visited by the Surveillance Team and Inspection Team on September 13-14, 2022. The Surveillance Team led by Rini Suryanti and 3 team members namely Joni Kadir, Diah Astuti Indarwati, and Irma Septi Ardiani. They conducted an inspection of technical and quality records, test institute performance, personnel performance, equipment, to the latest quality management system documents in possession. Meanwhile, the Inspection Team led by Roy Candra Primarsa, and 2 team members, namely Ilham Hidayat and Muhammad Rizki Ridhallahi, carried out checks for conformity of documents such as conditions for nuclear permits, personnel data, monitoring of personnel positions and health, availability of radiation protection equipment, documents with management as well as field observations by conducting radiation monitoring.

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The second destination was PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial. The Surveillance Team and Inspection Team were visited on September 15 – 16, 2022. The Surveillance Team led by Rini Suryanti and 3 team members namely Diah Astuti Indarwati, Alimuddin, and Irma Septi Ardiani, while the Inspection Team was still with the same formation as before.

The teams were welcomed by both business actors and attended to by the relevant management. Both business actors were divided personnel into two teams to assist the Surveillance Team and Inspection Team since they were carried out at the same time.

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Surveillance and inspection activities end with the presentation and submission of a Surveillance and Inspection Summary (BAP) containing the results of supervision and findings that must be followed up, both for PT. GE Operations Indonesia and PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial.

BAP PT. GE Operations Indonesia was handed over to the Director of Service representing the Top Manager/Director of the Company PT. GE Operations Indonesia, and BAP PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial was handed over to the Technical Support Manager representing the Top Manager/President Director of PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial. These two business actors are committed to following up on the results of supervision/findings following the specified time limit.

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It is expected that the implementation of this supervision can improve the quality of service and the application of radiation safety at PT. GE Operations Indonesia and PT. Philips Indonesia Commercial in the nuclear business sector. (DKKN/Irma/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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