Implementation of Socialization for Laws and Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources
Kembali 16 Januari 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DP2FRZR) held an offline socialization of laws and regulations (PUU) in the field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (FRZR) on 16 January 2023. This socialization invited all FRZR BAPETEN Inspectors, and was attended by approximately 97 participants.

The event began with the submission of a report on the preparation of the implementation of activities by the Coordinator of the PPRKL-DP2FRZR Function Group, Aris Sanyoto. "DP2FRZR consecutively in these 3 days will socialize the PUU issued in 2021 and 2022. This event was organized to equip inspectors in the implementation of nuclear energy supervision and to maintain the competence of FRZR Inspectors".



The next event was the opening and direction from the Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Dahlia C Sinaga. Dahlia said, "This activity is held based on the Mandate of Law No. 12 of 2011 where the newly issued PUU is to be socialized. It is hoped that there will be many discussions related to the substance of the PUU, so that you as an FRZR inspector understand to then be applied in supervisory duties".



Furthermore, remarks and directions were delivered from the Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his speech, Sugeng said that the socialization of PUU, mainly related to the Omnibus Law, which is currently in the form of Perppu which has the same level as the Law. Within one year, Perppu must get approval from the DPR to become law. In principle there are no changes for the nuclear energy sector, only improvements in writing and a little formulation. "Not all inspectors understand the OSS system and the implementation of PP licensing well, it is hoped that it can be cleared in these 3 days. From the knowledge obtained from this activity in order to be able to innovate and provide proposals for improvement and progress in the future, "hoped Sugeng at the end of his speech.

Then continued with remarks from the Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Zainal Arifin. In his speech, Zainal conveyed the obstacles in the implementation of PUU in the FRZR field related to the OSS licensing system, including the use of KBLI, PPR and personnel, especially for non-destructive test activities, hospital permits related to BPJS. In addition, the KTUN format was also conveyed which currently uses the latest regulatory basis. BAPETEN through DP2FRZ needs to adjust existing regulations to the latest regulations and the need for a study role in supporting the preparation of regulations.



Stepping on the main event was a presentation by Aris Sanyoto regarding Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy, Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Omnibus Law. Followed by a presentation by the Coordinator of the PKIP-DP2FRZR Function Group Soegeng Rahadhy regarding Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing. Last presentation by Associate Radiation Supervisor, Anet Hayani regarding the Draft Government Regulation in Lieu of PP No. 33 of 2007 concerning Safety of Ionizing Radiation and Safety of Radioactive Sources.

The event was closed with a discussion session moderated by Associate Radiation Supervisor, Nanang Triagung EH. Topics in the discussion session were related to the implementation of inspections including the transportation of radioactive sources, sanctions, radiation worker welfare, reporting, safety of open radioactive sources, errors in patient dosing, safety studies. The anticipation of participants in this discussion session was very high so that a lot of questions were raised. [DP2FRZR/IS/BHKK/CD/RA/OR]

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