Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit at the Directorate for Controlling Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances
Kembali 11 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Regulatory Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances (DP2FRZR), held an ISO 9001: 2015 Surveillance Audit by Intertek SAI Global which aims to maintain the quality of the management system. The audit was held for 2 (two) days, November 10-11, 2022, attended by lead auditor M Zainal Abidin and auditees Aris Sanyoto as Plt. Director of P2FRZR, Soegeng Rahadhy as Coordinator of Health, Industry and Research Regulatory Function Group and all DP2FRZR personnel.


Since January 29, 2018 DP2FRZR has received an ISO 9001: 2015 certificate and recertified on November 24, 2020 with No. Certificate: QMS42967. Surveillance audits are carried out within the scope of the formation and dissemination of laws and regulations in the field of radiation facilities and radioactive substances.


The objectives of conducting surveillance audits are to ensure the management system complies with applicable standard elements, ensure that the organization complies with policies and procedures, ensure the management system is appropriate for the organization, confirm that the management system is appropriate and effective, and the organization achieves its stated objectives.

imgkontenOn the first day, the opening and audit of the management system support and continue improvement and draft establishment of regulation including draft review and verification. The second day of the ISO 9001:2015 Surveillance Audit was an audit related to the dissemination of regulations and closing. In his closing remarks, Zainal stated that from the audit implementation, DP2FRZR has strong values related to leadership and commitment, communication and documentation systems. This was seen by the auditors from the involvement of management who were committed to attend, the communication between DP2FRZR personnel and the documentation system that has been running well. Zainal also conveyed that there were no major findings and only one minor non-conformance finding related to identification procedures that needed to be updated and adjusted. In addition, there is also an opportunity for improvement, namely consideration of updating the coaching procedure doc PUK/DP2FRZR/01.2Dec 2017 related to coaching requirements through ICT / online / online.


The audit was closed by Aris Sanyoto, who expressed his gratitude to Intertek SAI Global for conducting the surveillance audit and also said that the results of the ISO 9001:2015 surveillance audit are input for DP2FRZR and will be followed up on improvement opportunities and minor findings and will maintain the quality of DP2FRZR's management system to be better in the future according to established quality standards. [DP2FRZR/Intanung Syafitri/BHKK/OR]

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