Implementation of Compliance Assessment Implementation of Public Services by OMBUDSMAN RI in 2022
Kembali 21 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN took part in the Compliance Assessment Implementation of Public Services by the OMBUDSMAN RI on Wednesday, 21 September 2022. This assessment was carried out to assess the implementation of public services at BAPETEN so that it continues to get better.

This activity was attended by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) Ishak, Member of the Ombudsman RI Assessment Team Mohammad Rahmadin Triyunanda and Wahyu Estining Tyas and related officials and staff.


The event was opened with remarks from Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, He said that to meet the expectations of service users, BAPETEN as an institution must continue to adapt to be better. "I hope that with this activity we will receive some feedback from the Ombudsman so that we can use it as evaluation material to improve the public services quality,” he added.

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Then followed by a presentation from Zainal Arifin who explained several awards that BAPETEN has won so far, including the BKN Award, the ANRI Award, the 2021 SPBE Index in the good category, Archive Monitoring 2021 in the satisfactory category and several other awards. "All the awards we have won are the result of the joint work of all BAPETEN employees," he said.

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Meanwhile, Mohammad Rahmadin Triyunanda said there was a difference between this year's assessment and 2021. "This year apart from conducting field observations, we also conducted interviews with public service workers and service users, this is for the common good so that public services continue to improve and be felt by the community," he concluded.

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The event continued with interviews with people in charge, officials and recipients of public services in BAPETEN. The Work Units assessed in this activity are the DPFRZR, the Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN) and the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DIIBN).

The activity ended on 26 September 2022, in its closing Mohammad Rahmadin Triyunanda said "During the assessment process BAPETEN provided cooperative and open responses and answers, this helped us as an assessment team". (BHKK/Da/SP/Bams/Cd/RA)

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