IAEA Webinar on Diagnostic Guidance Level: Indonesian Experience
Kembali 16 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

A series of activities in an effort to establish and implement the diagnostic guidance level (Diagnostic Reference Level, DRL) indonesia in 2021 have been implemented Bapeten in accordance with the agenda that has been planned. Implementation from analysis of patient dose data entered into Si-INTAN, followed by the implementation of discussions through a series of Focus Group Discussions (FGD), Si-INTAN Seminars & Workshops, the inauguration of Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level, I-DRL), and yesterday on 15 June 2021 BAPETEN has been invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to participate in the “Webinar online dose data reporting for establishing and using diagnostics reference levels: experience of Australia, Sweden and Indonesia".

As is known that DRL is an important and proven tool for the optimization of radiation protection and safety in medical exposure or ionizing radiation imaging in patients. DRL serves as an indicator for facilities that use radiation in medical imaging about the amount of radiation used for examination of patients given by the modalities possessed compared to those used by other facilities for the same examination.



Therefore, by providing an application system for data collection and comparison, minimizing constraints in the implementation of DRL, and can facilitate the continuous monitoring and updating of DRL values. Several countries have created online systems for centrally registering these patient dose data. The webinar will present Australia, Sweden and Indonesia's experience in developing, implementing and utilizing the online dosing data registration system to support the DRL process.

The purpose of this webinar is to find out the approach taken by Australia, Sweden, and Indonesia in building a centralized registration application system online patient radiation dose data. In addition, to find out the benefits of centralized application systems for continuous regulation, review, and updating of DRL. Another goal is to take learning that can be learned from the experiences of Australia, Sweden, and Indonesia.

At the time the webinar event began, a poll was conducted to find out the professional background of the webinar participants. The webinar was attended by 192 participants from around the world with a composition of 14% from regulators, 38% from medical physicists, 3% from radiographers, 12% others, and did not respond to the poll 32%.



Presenters from Indonesia were represented by Taruniyati Handayani as the team leader of the I-DRL Project and the Head of Center forRegulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (P2STPFRZR). She said that Indonesia has a National Patient Dose Registry of Indonesia (Patient Dose Data Information System, Si-INTAN) since 2015 and on 24 May 2021 has set the value of Indonesia's dosage guidance level.

Some interesting discussions after the presentation appeared, included the estimated cost of building an online application system, how often to find incorrect data inputs, data breach problems, the amount of data that is only at least 20 data, and data filter systems.


This interesting webinar for recordings can be viewed to the IAEA's RPOP page and to find out more information regarding the level of diagnostic guidance Indonesia can access the page. [P2STPFRZR/Rusmanto/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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