IAEA Ready to Assist Indonesia in Developing the Regulatory Development Infrastructure for Power Reactors
Kembali 19 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a meeting with IAEA experts represented by Mr. Ugur Bezdeguemeli and Mr. Sukho Lee in the context of implementing the Expert Mission to Review Indonesia Regulations regarding the Licensing Process for NPP's, at the BAPETEN Building, in Jakarta, Monday (2/18/2019).

The meeting, which was scheduled to last for 4 days, was held in order to review the regulations relating to power reactor licensing, specifically Government Regulation (PP) No. 2 of 2014 concerning Licensing of Nuclear Installations and Utilization of Nuclear Materials, and PP No. 54 of 2012 concerning the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations.

In addition, to obtain input on the substance contained in the regulation to conform to the development of international standards or regulations. Director of the Installation of Nuclear Installation and Material Control Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, officially opened the event and was attended by a number of participants from BAPETEN and BATAN.

Through his speech, Dahlia said, the requirements in PP No. 2/2014 has been implemented when BATAN applied for a Non-Commercial Power Reactor construction site permit. This PP was compiled in an era where nuclear power plants would only be built on land. This gives the consequence that the floating NPP is not included in this regulation.


Meanwhile Ugur said in his speech that the IAEA is committed to helping embarking the country in developing regulatory infrastructure for the construction of power reactors. The IAEA has also provided various forms of assistance, one of which is an expert mission as implemented at BAPETEN at this time.

On the same occasion Sukho shared his experience when reviewing the regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in accordance with IAEA recommendations. "It is hoped that this experience can be applied in an expert mission that is currently being implemented," Sukho said.

In relation to reactor licensing regulations in Indonesia, Sukho generally considered that the provisions outlined were sufficient in accordance with international standards, although there were certain parts that were considered too detailed to appear complicated. Sukho hopes that the boundary between nuclear safety and security can be further clarified.(dp2ibn/cb/bhkkp/pd)




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