Guidance on Digitalization of Business Processes and SOPs
Kembali 18 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN in collaboration with Cognoscenti Consulting Group (CCG) consultants held a Technical Guidance on Digitalization of Business Processes and SOPs on 17 and 18 October 2022, which was opened by the Head of Protocol and Administration, Kuspriyanto representing the Head of Bureau of Organization and General Service of BAPETEN.

In his remarks, Kuspriyanto stated that with this technical assistance, participants are expected to be able to understand the concept of business processes and follow-up business processes and understand regulations related to the preparation of SOPs, simplification of organizations and implementation of digitalization of business processes and SOPs.

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The first day of guidance was guided by presenters Nugraheni Puspita Sari and Sucitya Purnama who elaborated on the concept of business processes based on PermenPAN RB Number 19 of 2018 and an overview of BAPETEN's business processes, and continued with the BAPETEN SOP simulation.

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While the second day was still filled by Nugraheni Puspita Sari with material on identifying the RACI method based on CFM (Cross Functional Map) for organizational change, and continued by Lukas Danny Tjitrabudi on digitizing business processes and SOPs.

Through this digitization system, it is hoped that it can encourage better organizational performance, and is also an implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE), in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems. The event was also filled with the identification of BAPETEN SOPs for CFM BAPETEN.

The Technical Guidance was closed by Kuspriyanto who delivered remarks from the Head of the Organization and General Bureau. "We express our gratitude and highest appreciation to the consultant for his contribution and to the participants who have participated in this Bimtek from October 17 to 18, 2022," he said.

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"The activity of preparing business process maps is part of structuring governance which is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of work systems, processes and procedures to obtain clear, effective, efficient and measurable results" Kuspriyanto added, while thanking Alhamdulillah, as the closing word of this Bimtek which has gone well. (BOU/Nafis/BHKK/Bams).

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