Guidance of BAPETEN Regulations Regarding the Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites
Kembali 18 Agustus 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held guidance in nuclear installations and materials sector, especially related to the BAPETEN Regulation on Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites on Wednesday (18/08). The event was attended by 73 participants online, from BATAN, Indonesia Power, PT. ThorCon, and PT. INUKI.

The event which organized by the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) is the duty and obligation of the supervisory agency to disseminate or socialize it, so that these regulations can be well known, and can be operationalized in the field.

"The guidance of the regulation is the duty of BAPETEN to disseminate the laws and regulations that have been issued," said Haendra, Director of DP2IBN when giving his opening remarks.

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Haendra added that the regulation regarding the nuclear installation site is very essential because the nuclear installation site has an impact on the safety of nuclear installations and on the safety of local community.

“In this guidance, the topics raised are site evaluation regulations for aspects of the dispersion of radioactive substances into the environment and aspects of the effects of human activities on nuclear installations. This is also relevant to the government's plan to build a power reactor in Kalimantan," said Haendra.

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DP2IBN changes the guidance model by inviting practitioners or experts who have implemented this regulation. "Today, we invited Prof. Pande Made Udiyani from PTKRN BATAN, in addition there were two presenters from DP2IBN. We thank you for your willingness to be a spokes person in this guidance,” said Haendra.

Haendra hopes that this event can provide benefits for all parties, both for stakeholders and participants. "Input from all of you is very useful for us, because next year we will revise the regulation of this site," said Haendra, closing his remarks.

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In the presentation session, Suci Prihastuti as staff of DP2IBN, explained the material on "BAPETEN Regulation No. 6/219 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Aspects of External Events Due to Human Activities". Suci explained that aspects of external events caused by human activities include explosions, fires, releases of toxic and hazardous materials, aircraft crashes, ship collisions and electromagnetic interference.

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Meanwhile, Bambang Eko Aryadi as Coordinator of DP2IBN, presented "BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2019 concerning Evaluation of Nuclear Installation Sites for Dispersion Aspects of Radioactive Substances in the Air and Water". Bambang describes the background and substance of this regulation.

Presenter from PTKRN BATAN, Prof. Pande Made Udiyani, delivered presentation on "Implementation of BAPETEN Regulations regarding Dispersion Aspects of Radioactive Substances in the Air and Water". In his presentation, Prof. Pande said that it was necessary to synergize the contents of Perka of the dispersion, especially accident conditions with the contents of Perka of the emergency, to maintain document continuity and avoid overlapping with rules and calculations.

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"Perka of the dispersion analysis should be correlated with the related environmental permit, SAR, and site emergencies, to find out the extent of the dispersion analysis for nuclear accident conditions," said Prof. Pande.

However, according to Prof. Pande, in general, BAPETEN Regulation No. 4/2019 is quite adequate in its implementation. "The current regulations are somewhat grounded compared to the previous BAPETEN regulations," he added.

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In general, most of the questions are about nuclear power plants and reactors, but all of question can be answered well by the presenters, and it seems that the questioners are also satisfied with the answers.

At the closing, Haendra expressed his gratitude because this guidance was able to get input that would be an improvement in the preparation of the next regulation. Haendra also thanked the presenters, stakeholders, and participants who attend the event. [BHKK/Bams/IP/RA]




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