Forum Building a Risk-Aware Culture Through Integrated SPIP Implementation
Kembali 20 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to implement the corruption prevention and control program and pay attention to BPKP Regulation Number 5 of 2021 concerning Maturity Assessment of Integrated SPIP Implementation at Ministries/Institutions/Local Governments (K/L/D), on Monday (20/6) BAPETEN collaborated with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to organize a Forum for Building a Culture of Risk Care through Integrated SPIP Implementation.

The activity organized by the BAPETEN Internal Audit was opened by Acting of Chairman BAPETEN Zainal Arifin, and attended by several BAPETEN Pratama High Officials namely the Head of the Legal, Cooperation and Public Communication Bureau, Indra Gunawan, the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installations and Materials Haendra Subekti, Head of Centre for Regulatory Assessment Nuclear Installations and Materials, Judi Pramono, Head of Internal Audit Hery Budi Santoso and APIP BAPETEN as BAPETEN SPIP Quality Assurance Team, Head of Training Center, and 2022 SPIP Independent Assessment Team which are representatives of work units within BAPETEN.


In his speech, Hery Budi Santoso said that the purpose of this activity was to equalize perceptions in the implementation of the Integrated SPIP, to build commitment to the implementation of the Integrated SPIP, to maintain the WTP Opinion from the BPK, and increase the value of Bureaucratic Reform and Development of the WBK WBBM Integrity Zone. Besides that, it is also to increase APIP's capability so that it can increase the role of the Inspectorate as BAPETEN APIP effectively.

Furthermore, Hery added that the activity was also in the context of carrying out the annual risk-based supervisory work program of the BAPETEN Internal Audit in 2022, namely the SPIP Guidance activities, for the control and prevention of Corruption Crimes, as well as increasing good cooperation and synergy, with BPKP as the SPIP supervisor who has well connected so far.

Meanwhile The Acting of Chairman BAPETEN in his speech when opening the event, said that to build a good and transparent system that avoids KKN, BAPETEN has implemented online licensing since 2016. , and can be done anywhere and anytime,” he said.


"In this regard, BAPETEN recently received another award as one of the best public service units for 2021 which was assessed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform and the High Level Compliance Award from the Indonesian Ombudsman," he added.

At the end of his speech Acting of chairman directs how BAPETEN can meet the Supervision of Nuclear Energy in the Industrial Era 4.0 related to the implementation of SPIP at BAPETEN.

"SPIP is an integral process for actions and activities carried out continuously by the leadership and all employees of BAPETEN in order to provide adequate confidence in the achievement of organizational goals," he explained.


The Acting Head said that with sound financial management, a strong, independent and competitive Indonesia will achieve the Indonesian’s goal Indonesia Tough, Indonesia Grow.

Regarding SPIP, the Acting Head underlined that a good SPIP will increase Public Trust in BAPETEN in Implementing Nuclear Energy Supervision, for the Aspects of Licensing, Inspection, and Supporting as its TUSI.

At this event, there was also a signing of the Integrated SPIP Implementation Commitment by the Bapeten leaders to implementing integrated SPIP within his work unit.


Furthermore, to provide enlightenment to the participants who attended the Forum Building a Culture of Risk Care Through Integrated SPIP Implementation, resource persons from BPKP provided related materials. The material includes the Risk Management Index (MRI) which was delivered by the Director of Supervision for Science, Technology and Bureaucratic Reform, Ricki Antariksa.

“According to Ricki, SPIP is one of the elements assessed by the Audit Board of RI (BPK), when BPK enters to conduct audits of K/L Financial Reports every year. If the SPIP is good, the scope of the audit is not so wide, but if the SPIP of K/L is not good, then the examination will continue to be deepened, because there is a close relationship between SPIP and Financial Statements and with the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in a K/L," he explained.

The next presentation on Integrated SPIP was delivered by the Main Auditor of BPKP, Luhur Depari. And in the afternoon before the closing of the event, participants again received material related to APIP Capability. (BHKK/Bams)

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