Focus Group Discussion on Implementing BAPETEN Regulation No. 6 of 2023 on Management System for Nuclear Energy Utilization Facilities and Activities
Kembali 18 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through its Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN), conducted an offline Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to address the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation Number 6 of 2023 on the Management System for Nuclear Energy Utilization Facilities and Activities. The FGD, held at BAPETEN's office, was exclusively attended by internal BAPETEN stakeholders.

The event was opened by Acting Director of DP2IBN, Nur Syamsi Syam, who underscored the importance of this activity as a continuation of coaching sessions held earlier on July 7, 2024. She noted, “Further discussion is required to clarify the practical aspects of implementing this regulation.” Mrs. Syam also emphasized the need for incorporating such activities into employee competency development programs, ensuring that BAPETEN's internal personnel fully understand the regulatory requirements imposed on license holders.

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Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN), Haendra Subekti, delivered the keynote address, focusing on the regulation’s practical application. “This FGD aims to delve into the implementation aspects of the regulation,” he stated. Mr. Subekti highlighted the necessity of developing a technical guide to facilitate the implementation of Regulation No. 6 of 2023. Such a guide would serve as a key resource for socializing the regulation among license holders. He urged active participation, emphasizing the need to address and clarify all aspects of the regulation.

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A detailed presentation by Mrs. Dewi Prima Meiliasari followed, providing an overview of the regulation’s background, scope, and key provisions. Ms. Meiliasari introduced the tiered approach outlined in the regulation, noting its focus on easing compliance for license holders through a cross-referenced management system document. She encouraged participants to explore these elements during the discussion.

The FGD transitioned into a collaborative session, where participants were divided into discussion groups tasked with preparing working papers. These papers, reflecting group deliberations, will form the basis for further discussions at subsequent meetings.

This focused dialogue demonstrates BAPETEN’s commitment to ensuring a comprehensive understanding and effective implementation of regulatory frameworks, strengthening the governance of nuclear energy utilization facilities and activities. (ZakkiMuhammad/DP2IBN/CD/BHKK/Translator: GP)

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