Focus Group Discussion in The Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (I-DRL) Scoring Process Series in 2021
Kembali 23 April 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

The Center of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) held the 1st Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Friday (23/04). This FGD was carried out in the context of the process of determining the Indonesian Diagnostic Reference Level (I-DRL) on 25 May 2021. This event invited the representatives of stakeholders, namely the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Indonesian Association of Clinical Radiology Specialists (PDSRKI), Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI), Indonesian Medical Physicist Alliance (AFISMI), Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS), Indonesian Radiographers Association (PARI), Center for Radiation Safety and Metrology Technology (PTKMR) - BATAN, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta, Health Polytechnic of Semarang, University of Indonesia, Diponegoro University, Patient Safety Committee, and several hospital representatives, such as Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Dharmais Cancer Hospital, and Hasan Sadikin Hospital.


The FGD opened by the Head of P2STPFRZR who represented by the Coordinator of Health Assessment Rusmanto. Rusmanto said that Indonesia is expected to have its own level of diagnostic guidance according to its resources and also in accordance with the recommendations of the IAEA GSR Part 3/2014, mandated by Government Regulation (PP) No. 33/2007 and Regulation of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (Perbapeten) No. 4/2020.


Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga, in her direction said that the determination of this year's reference level focused on examinations with modality of General Radiography and CT Scan. Dahlia also explained that this diagnostic reference level can be used by medical practitioners as a consideration to ensure that patient exposure as low as possible while maintaining the optimal radiographic image.


In this FGD, Rusmanto also give a presentation as material for the 1st FGD. Furthermore, the event continued with discussion session. This session was exciting and warm, as evidenced with many inputs from all representatives. All of these inputs became valuable considerations for the I-DRL team in preparing follow-up for the 2nd FGD and updating of existing data process, before determined to be the national diagnostic reference level/I-DRL.

The event, which was attended by 32 participants, was closed by the Head of P2STPFRZR who expressed her hope that this diagnostic reference level would be easy to use and could be informative data for medical practitioners who use it. This FGD is the 1st FGD and there will be several FGDs in the context of the I-DRL determination process. The input and responses from the 1st FGD will be used for follow-up in the next FGD. [P2STPFRZR/Hermansyah/BHKK/IP/RA]

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