Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Session I Preparation of Patient Release Guidelines in Nuclear Medicine
Kembali 02 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held FGD Session I Preparation of Patient Release Guidelines in Nuclear Medicine on Thursday (02/07), which was attended by 15 participants and presented speakers from Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung and Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta.

The FGD began with the opening from Head of Health Assessment Division of BAPETEN Rusmanto, which was followed by a direction from the Head of the Center for RFRS Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) Djoko Hari Nugroho.

An introduction to the preparation of guidelines for the release of patients in nuclear medicine was explained by Endang Kunarsih. Endang stated that the goal of composing patient release guidelines on nuclear medicine is ensuring the safety of radiation for the community and environment, because the risk of radiation exposure or contamination from nuclear medicine patients who have been discharged from hospitals can be minimized. The benefit of this guideline is that it can provide guidance for hospitals or other health care facilities in determining patient release decisions, measuring patient activity, and providing guidelines for post-release patients.

The program continued with the presentation of the Implementation of Patient Release Provisions in Nuclear Medicine by Rini Shintawati from Hasan Sadikin Hospital and Patient Release Practices of Nuclear Medicine Services by Yustia Tuti from Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Discussions and questions and answers end the FGD.

With this FGD, it is expected to further broaden insights and knowledge about implementation of patient releases in nuclear medicine in hospitals in Indonesia, especially in Hasan Sadikin Hospital and Dharmais Hospital, so that it can assist the process of preparing this guideline. [P2STPFRZR / HERMAN / BHHK / YUL]





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