Field Visit of Technical Studies of the Center for Assessment of Systems and Technology for Monitoring of Nuclear Installations and Materials-BAPETEN to the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University
Kembali 25 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Currently, nuclear energy has been widely used in all fields. One of them is nuclear utilization in the plan to build and operate generation IV reactors. In order to face the first nuclear energy plant (PLTN), Centre For Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials BAPETEN(P2STPIBN) on August 23 2022, conducted a technical field visit to the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University (Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering Study Program).

This field visit was led directly by the Head of (P2STPIBN) Yudi Pramono accompanied by 2 working group teams. On this occasion, the P2STPIBN team said that the activities for the 2022 fiscal year included technical studies on the Preparation of User Requirement Development (URD), Nuclear Safety Information Systems (SIKN) and Technical Studies on Safety Manufacturing of Non-Power Reactor Components.

The activity of preparing the URD for the SIKN application aims to review the information system on incident reports that significantly impact safety, which contains causes, solution steps, necessary preventive measures and lessons that can be drawn from incidents or incidents that occurred at the PLTN. This system manages incident reports before they are sent to the International Reporting System for Operating Experience (IRS, IAEA).

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Meanwhile the technical study of non-power reactor component manufacturing safety, aims to provide technical recommendations for the preparation of regulations related to aspects of nuclear reactor component manufacturing monitoring in order to prepare the NPP supervision infrastructure. Supervision of the fulfillment of component manufacturing quality standards is very important, to ensure equipment performance and installation operation safety.

In addition, this forum is used as a vehicle for BAPETEN and the Faculty of Engineering to explore cooperation in mapping expertise at Udayana University and initiating future cooperation, especially in organizing Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).

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On this occasion, the Head (P2STPIBN) said that "Strongly supports the activities of organizing the Merdeka Campus, and is ready to accept the arrival of the Udayana University Faculty of Engineering team in the future."

In the next session, the two teams held separate discussions more technically with related resource persons. [Imron/Rev.Ryd/P2STPIBN/BHKK/SP]

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