Field Verification Performance Assessment Acceleration of Business Implementation
Kembali 01 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN received a visit from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM in order to verify the field performance assessment from the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB), this visit is to check the suitability of the data that has been uploaded to the system with actual field conditions, Friday (01/07/2022).

The team consisted of representatives from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM Baskoro, PPB Assessment Team Azizatul Munawaroh and Surveyor, Sutanti. This team was received by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, several BAPETEN Primary High Officials and other relevant officials in the BAPETEN Auditorium room.

Zainal said that he strongly supports the integration of BAPETEN licensing with OSS, even Zainal termed OSS with regional language terms (Javanese), namely Ojo Suwe-Suwe means don't take long and Ojo Sulit-Sulit means don't make it difficult. "Therefore, we must support the OSS policy, in accordance with the President's direction," he said.



Explained by Zainal, even though our country has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic for more than two years, BAPETEN's public services have not been disrupted, because BAPETEN has used an online system of both licensing and inspection. Even since 2016 it has been through online licensing.

The use of nuclear energy is currently widespread from Sabang to Merauke with a variety of regional and cultural tribes, so when BAPETEN gathers Radiation Protection Officers (PPR) from these various regions, BAPETEN has participated in realizing diversity as always echoed by the government.



Zainal revealed that the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, in addition to being supervised by BAPETEN, is also supervised by the IAEA. "In this case, BAPETEN as a counterpart is facing the inspection from the IAEA, as BAPETEN has done a few days ago, when there was a safeguard inspection from the IAEA to BAPETEN and also BRIN," he added.

BAPETEN also gives awards to permit holders and companies that can comply with energy regulations properly and this is a positive value and is recognized as the best practice by the IAEA.

In the Industrial Era 4.0, it can be said that the BAPETEN licensing system has now broken through time, because of the IT system built by BAPETEN. "Permit payments can be made at anytime and anywhere for 24 hours. At any time online licensing can be accessed and reachable. Permit applicants, evaluators and permit signatories can work online, even when the leader is abroad, the permit can still be signed," he explained.

Zainal added that this is an innovation that is very helpful and easy for various parties and of course very beneficial for our country.


"To the Team from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, please if there is anything you want to ask or confirm with us, and we are very open to serving. As Deputy, I hope that this activity will run smoothly, for that I open this event by reading Basmallah," he concluded while opening this event.

Baskoro, a representative from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM said "We consider that BAPETEN's contribution is quite large in supporting the progress of vital industries, both in the health sector such as hospitals and other industries. Therefore, we from the Ministry of Investment / BKPM appreciate that BAPETEN is one of the K/L that has been good in managing its licensing and is expected to continue this achievement," he explained.

According to him, the current condition of the community is still in the stage of economic recovery, so it must be supported, by easy and simple licensing while still not violating applicable rules. "For this reason, we can improve each other's coordination and cooperation so that we can provide the best service," he concluded.

"In this case, we fully support the improvement of BAPETEN's service performance and we hope that this PPB performance assessment can run smoothly and can be resolved properly and of course get good results," said Baskoro ending his remarks.

Independent Assessment Team, Sutanti revealed that in essence, the team's task is to match all the data and files that have been prepared by BAPETEN, "We are confident that with the extraordinary readiness from Mukhlisin with the team who as a responsive, this verification can go well", she said.

Sutanti said that the number of documents sent by BAPETEN to BKPM turned out to be quite a lot, "We need more time to see it, it is very different when compared to reviewing documents from other K/L", she added.

"Our task is only to match again, if it is appropriate then we just click on the system. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and hopefully BAPETEN will get the best value," she concluded again.

Before entering the core event in the form of verification field assessment of the Acceleration of Business Implementation by a Team from the Ministry of Investment / BKPM, a presentation was first made by the Coordinator of the Supervisory Function Group for Research and Industry, Mukhlisin. His presentation was generally divided into 4 segments, namely the Governance Administration policy at BAPETEN, the Application of Risk-Based Business Licensing, Simplification of Sector Business Licensing, Improvement of the Investment Climate.

Regarding the implementation of Government Regulation (PP) Number 5 of 2021 for the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing, BAPETEN has issued Bapeten’s Regulation No. 3 of 2021 concerning Business Activity Standards and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Energy Sector.

BAPETEN has also issued Bapeten’s Regulation No. 1 of 2022 concerning The Management of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Energy Sector.

"So with the two BAPETEN Regulations, namely Bapeten’s Regulation No. 3 of 2021 and Bapeten’s Regulation No. 1 of 2022, PP No. 5 of 2021 has been well implemented by BAPETEN," said Mukhlisin.

"As an additional information, BAPETEN in serving permits has used Balis online, wherever and whenever permits can be signed, including if the relevant officials are on duty abroad," he said.

Furthermore, to improve the quality of public services, several work units at BAPETEN that directly face the public, have received ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Certification, namely the BATAKLAT work unit, DP2FRZR, DPFRZR, DPIBN, DKKN – BAPETEN.

On this occasion, Mukhlisin also explained some of the awards and achievements that BAPETEN has achieved, in order to be a motivation to continue to excel in serving the community in supervising the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.

During the core event in the form of field verification, the Assessment Team asked for the completeness of documents, especially those related to activities in order to accelerate business implementation. The BAPETEN team serves swiftly and responsively on the spot, to meet the evidence by the Ministry of Investment / BKPM Assessment Team. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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