Field Verification of the Appointment of the Jakarta BPAFK Dosimetry Laboratory for Radiotherapy Source Output Calibration Activities
Kembali 13 Maret 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN, through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN), Quality Assurance Function Group, carries out a series of field verification activities in order to ensure the readiness of the Jakarta Health Equipment and Facilities Security Center (BPAFK) Dosimetry Laboratory (LD) to provide radiotherapy source output calibration services.


LD BPAFK Jakarta, in 2023, intends to increase the scope of its testing on radiotherapy source output calibration for Co-60 teletherapy, Linac, and Brachytherapy modalities. As part of the assessment, two stages of verification have been carried out. Phase 1 was implemented on December 11–12, 2023, at the BPAFK Jakarta office and focuses on fulfilling required documents and assessing the suitability of facilities and infrastructure, including service processes.

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Meanwhile, phase 2 is carried out to assess the performance of personnel in carrying out tests according to the proposed modality. Stage 2 verification for the Co-60 teletherapy modality was carried out on February 1–4, 2024, using the radiotherapy facilities of Central Hospital (RSUP) dr. Hasan Sadikin.

Verification of the Linac modality was carried out on February 15–18, 2024, using the Mayapada Hospital Tangerang facilities. Meanwhile, the final verification for brachytherapy modalities was carried out on March 7–10, 2024, using the brachytherapy facilities of RSUP dr. Kariadi Semarang.

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From the entire verification exercise, we have obtained an overview of the readiness of LD BPAFK Jakarta to provide radiotherapy source output calibration services for Co-60 Teletherapy, Linac, and Brachytherapy modalities. There are still several improvement notes that must be followed up by LD BPAFK Jakarta before obtaining the appointment. It is hoped that the appointment of LD BPAFK Jakarta will help accelerate radiotherapy source calibration services, which are currently being rapidly developed in radiotherapy facilities in Indonesia. [DKKN/Suryo/BHKK/CD/GP]

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