Field Verification of Radioactive Associated Mineral Storage Licensing in Bangka
Kembali 16 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Licensing of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DPIBN), carried out field verification of radioactive associated mineral (Mineral Ikutan Radioaktif—MIR) storage licensing and coordination of MIR supervision with the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Service of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province on Bangka Island. This activity was carried out on May 14–15, 2024.

On the first day, field verification activities were carried out for MIR storage licensing, which is part of the radioactive associated mineral storage licensing process, submitted by PT Prima Timah Utama (PTU), located in Ketapang, Pangkalpinang, and PT Putra Sarana Shakti (PSS), located in Jelitik, Sungailiat. In accordance with the mandate of BAPETEN Regulation No. 1 of 2022, it is stated that the assessment of nuclear energy business actors is carried out through document evaluation and field verification activities to ensure that business licensing requirements are met.

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The verification team consists of Widia Lastana Istanto as the lead, accompanied by Sinta Tri Habsari, Bhakti Dwi Yoga, and Yepi Yamani Yosa as team members and evaluators. The lead of the verification team, Widia, during the entry meeting conveyed the purpose of the verification activity, namely to ensure the conformity between the licensing documents submitted at the time of the application and the conditions in the field and to see their conformity with the licensing requirements. After the entry meeting, it was continued with a discussion of the evaluation results and field inspections to the location of the facilities used for storing radioactive associated minerals and the production area (smelter). The results of the verification were that PT PTU was declared to have met the requirements; for PT PSS, it was still necessary to improve the licensing requirement documents.


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On the second day, the MIR supervision coordination activity was continued by visiting the Bangka Belitung Provincial ESDM Service in Pangkalpinang. On this occasion, the BAPETEN team was received by the Secretary of the Bangka Belitung Provincial ESDM Service, Yulius Sinaga, and the Head of the Energy Division, Herman, and related staff. This coordination aims to introduce BAPETEN's duties and functions in MIR supervision and the MIR storage licensing process. In addition, discussions were also held regarding the scope of supervision of the Bangka Belitung Provincial ESDM Service towards MIR, management of tin by-products, and current issues related to mining management in Bangka Belitung Province. From the results of coordination with the Bangka Belitung Provincial ESDM Service, it was concluded that further coordination was needed with the Ministry of ESDM and Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) regarding MIR supervision in Bangka.

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