Field Verification of PT Anugrah Analisis Sempurna Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory Appointment
Kembali 04 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) conducted field verification in the framework of the appointment of an environmental radioactivity laboratory at PT Anugrah Analisis Sempurna, Depok on September 23 and 25, 2024.

Currently PT Anugrah Analisis Sempurna intends to complete its testing objects for exposure to TENORM / NORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material / Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material), measurement of radon concentration in the workspace and measurement of gross alpha and beta in sea water, rivers and lakes including drinking water through submitting recommendations for verification of the Standard Certificate of Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory activities to BAPETEN.

This field verification activity was carried out after the evaluation results in the B@LIS 2.5 application were declared eligible to be upgraded to the field verification stage. This activity was led by Radiation Supervisor Suryo Adi Ari Santosa and consisted of Rini Suryanti, Joni Kadir and Edhy Kunto Wibowo.

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The first day of field verification was held on Monday, September 23, 2024 in the form of an entry meeting, assessment of the suitability of application documents to conditions in the field and demonstration of radon concentration testing in the workspace. While the second day of field verification was held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 with the agenda of simulating the performance of TENORM / NORM radiation exposure measurements, preparation and measurement of gross alpha and beta on river water samples, and ended with the submission of the Minutes of the Field Verification Inspection.


The General Manager of PT Anugrah Analisis Sempurna and his staff really appreciated the field verification activities carried out by BAPETEN, he stated that from the implementation of field verification, a lot of input was obtained. Furthermore, his party is committed to making improvements so that later operations as an environmental radioactivity laboratory can run smoothly in accordance with applicable regulations. [DKKN/Sapto Aji/BHKK/GP/AAP].


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