Field Verification of Conformity Test Institute PT. Eksgon Brother
Kembali 27 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Nuclear Engineering and Preparedness (DKKN) of BAPETEN conducted a Field Verification of Conformity Test Institution (LUK) to PT. Eksgon Brother on Tuesday, September 29, 2022. The verification was carried out in connection with the submission of an additional scope of Mammography by PT Eksgon Brother, for which previously PT Eksgon Brother had obtained an appointment for the scope of General Radiography, Dental Aircraft, Fluoroscopy, and CT Scan.

Field verification carried out by the DKKN Quality Assurance Function Group is obliged mandate of Article 140 of BAPETEN Regulation No. 1/2022 on the Management of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector.


The implementation of verification aims to review and ensure the suitability of the requirements submitted in the form of documents with the actual conditions in the field, including seeing the ability of personnel to provide services to customers both administratively and technically.

The BAPETEN’s verification team was led by Suryo Adi Ari Santosa who is an Associate Expert Radiation Supervisor from DKKN Quality Assurance Function Group along with team members Edhy Kuntowibowo and Anak Agung Ayu Sari Trisna Citta.


The arrival of the verification team was well received by the Director of PT Eksgon Brother, Damayanti Butar Butar, along with all PT Eksgon Brother personnel who would be in charge of providing Conformity Test services, especially for the scope of Mammography.

The verification went smoothly, starting from document verification to the infrastructure available at PT Eksgon Brother.


Field verification activities end with the submission of the Supervision Report (BAP) which contains the results of supervision including a description of the findings and follow-up commitments. Furthermore, DKKN Quality Assurance Function Group will issue a Verification Result Report (LHV) to be followed up and if all requirements have been successfully fulfilled, PT. Eksgon Brother will obtain an appointment for the scope of Mammography at a Conformity Test Institute from BAPETEN.

It is expected that the increase in the scope of this appointment can provide another alternative for license holders to obtain conformity test services, especially for the scope of Mammography. (DKKN/Anak Agung Sari/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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