Field Verification of Appointment of PT Calray Medika Instrumen Conformity Testing Institution
Kembali 17 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN), conducted field verification of the prospective Conformity Testing Institution (LUK) of PT Calray Medika Instrumen, located in Gunung Sindur, Bogor Regency, on Thursday, October 17, 2024. This verification was carried out after the evaluation of documents in the BALIS (BAPETEN Licensing and Inspection System) application was declared eligible to proceed to the field verification stage.

The verification activity led by the Middle Radiation Supervisor (Pengawas Radiasi Ahli Madya), Suryo Adi Ari Santosa, accompanied by two Middle Radiation Supervisors, Rini Suryanti and Joni S. Kadir, aims to confirm the conformity of the data submitted in the form of documents with the actual conditions in the field, including seeing the extent to which PT Calray Medika Instrumen is ready to carry out its function as LUK.

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The arrival of the Verification Team was welcomed by the Director of PT Calray Medika Instrumen, Irma Huriah, along with all personnel of PT Calray Medika Instrumen, who will later be tasked with providing Conformity Test services. In this field verification, the BAPETEN Team also explained the technical reporting of LHU through Balis Sukses 1.5 and the latest information related to conformity test activities presented in the Balis Sukses 1.5 feature.


The field verification ended with the joint signing and submission of the Verification Examination Report (BAP). PT Calray Medika Instrumen will be appointed by BAPETEN after the verification findings are followed up, re-evaluated, and declared closed by BAPETEN. It is intended that later, with the appointment of PT Calray Medika Instrumen, it can add options for permit holders to obtain X-ray machine conformity test services, especially for the General Radiography sub-scope. [Suryo/DKKN/BHKK/CD/Translator: GP]

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