FGD for Drafting of Nuclear Medicine Patient Release Guidelines
Kembali 29 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETENBAPETEN through the Center for RFRS Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) held Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with nuclear medicine team from RSUP dr. Kariadi, RSUD dr. Soetomo, and RSUD dr. Moewardi and representatives from DP2FRZR and DPFRZR unit, to continue the series of FGDs related to the determination of patient release guidelines in nuclear medicine, Tuesday (07/28).
This FGD was conducted to determine the implementation of the patient release guidelines which have been carried out by hospitals that have nuclear medicine services. The information obtained from FGD participants will be used to enrich the technical guidelines entitled "Nuclear Medicine Patient Release Technical Guidelines". The aim of the preparation of this Technical Guidelines is to ensure radiation safety for community and environment, because the risk of radiation exposure or contamination from nuclear medicine patients who have been discharged from hospitals can be minimized.
The FGD was opened and guided by Rusmanto as the Head of Health Assessment Division, then directives from the Head of P2STPFRZR Djoko Hari Nugroho and presentation on the Draft Technical Guidelines by Activity Coordinator Endang Kunarsih, and also presentation on the experience of the implementation of nuclear medicine patient release at RSUP Dr. Kariadi and RSUD dr. Soetomo. The discussion session ended this FGD and expected can explore the implementation of patients release more. [P2STPFRZR / Hermansyah / IS / BHKK]