Exploration of AL-ISLAM Polytechnic Bandung for the Development of Nuclear Training Institutions
Kembali 18 September 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Quality Assurance Function Group of the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN), conducted an exploration of the potential appointment of a new training institution in the scope of PPR medik in the development activities of the Nuclear Training Institute. The exploration was conducted on 16 and 17 September 2021 in Al-Islam Polytechnic Bandung located at Jl Cisaranten Kulon Bandung.

The 2 (two) day visit is intended to look at the facilities, infrastructure, resources at Al-Islam Polytechnic as a Nuclear Training Institution, especially the scope of medical PPR.


Currently the availability of Nuclear Training Institutions throughout Indonesia amounted to 12 training institutions both from educational, private and government institutions spread across Central Java, East Java, Bali, Makassar, Batam, Depok and DKI Jakarta, while in West Java, especially for Bandung and surrounding areas, there is unavailable Nuclear Training Institution, especially the scope of PPR Medic. For this reason BAPETEN tried to explore the Al Islam Polytechnic Bandung which is considered to have the potential to become a Nuclear Training Institution of the scope of PPR Medic.


Al Islam Polytechnic Bandung has 3 study programs, the Radiology Study Program which has an average new student admission of 90 people every year, this is a great potential, in addition to the facilities and infrastructure that have been available. For this reason BAPETEN in this case the Quality Assurance Function Group conducted an exploration to see firsthand the condition of facilities, infrastructure, human resources, and administrative completeness.

Bapeten team visiting Al-Islam Polytechnic Bandung led by Rini Suryanti as Cordinator of Quality Assurance Function - DKKN. The activities on the first day in the form of presentation and discussion related to organizational structure and infrastructure facilities from Al Islam Polytechnic by the Director of Polytechnic Engineering Al Islam Bandung.


The 2nd day, Bapeten team provided material presentation on the utilization of ionizing radiation sources by Joni S Kadir, and the requirements and mechanisms to become a Nuclear Training Institution by Rini Suryanti. The event continued with a discussion session on the requirements and application process as a Nuclear Training Institution.


The presence of Bapeten team was positively welcomed by the management of Al-Islam Polytechnic consisting of Director, Deputy Director I and Deputy Director II, all management in Al-Islam Polytechnic Bandung.

On that occasion the Bapeten team also socialized about the implementation of risk-based licensing to the management of Al-Islam Polytechnic Bandung.


After the presentation and discussion session continued with a visit to facilities at Al-Islam Polytechnic Bandung related to classroom facilities, laboratory use of ionizing radiation sources, checking equipment utilization permits, and checking other supporting facilities, parking lots and libraries.


At the end, Bapeten team delivered a review of the 2 (two) day visit, "that Al Islam Polytechnic has the potential to become a Nuclear Training Institution, especially the scope of Medical PPR Level I and II, although there are some things that must also be equipped as a requirement to become a Nuclear Training Institution" explained Rini closed the meeting. (DKKN/Deddy Rusdiana/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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