Expert Competency Certification
Kembali 16 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

As mandated in BAPETEN Regulation No. 2/2018 Article 53 on the Compliance Test of X-Ray Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Equipment which states that Expert personnel carrying out LHU evaluations are required to have a Competency Certificate, BAPETEN’s Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness held Expert Competency Certification (TA) at the BAPETEN Office on 15 to 16 August 2022.

The implementation of Expert Competency Certification consists of three types of exams namely written exam, LHU evaluation practice exam and interview exam which must be taken and passed to obtain a Competency Certificate as TA following the proposed scope.

The number of participants who took part in the Expert Competency Certification was 7 (seven people) who came from the Conformity Testing Institute which had previously obtained an Expert Staff training certificate and carried out registration directly through the Competency Certification web to take part in the Expert Competency Certification (

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Details of participants who took part in the testing include; 1 person from BPFK Jakarta (Fluoroscopy), 1 person from PT. Dwijaya Perkasa Utama (General Radiography), 1 person from PT Fujifilm Indonesia (General Radiography), 1 person from PT Andini Sarana (Dentistry), 2 people from LPFK Surakarta (Fluoroscopy and Mammography), and 1 person from internal BAPETEN (General Radiography).

The first day of testing, Monday, August 15, 2022, was opened by Director for Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) Zulkarnain and continued with the reading of the rules and exam mechanisms by the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group (KFJM) Rini Suryanti. The opening was also attended by all KFJM personnel and participants who will take the test. Then participants were directed to take part in the implementation of the written test and practice evaluation of LHU which took place in the I-Concept room, BAPETEN Office.

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While on the second day, Tuesday, August 16, 2022, the Supervision Policy interview exam was held as well as the Technical and Job Field interview exams in Meeting Room A, 6th Floor, BAPETEN B Building. All activities took place smoothly and according to schedule and were carried out with due observance of health protocols. With the end of the implementation of the Supervision Policy interview examinations as well as the Technical and Field of Work interview exams, the series of TA Competency Certification activities carried out at BAPETEN also ended.

In closing, an evaluation was carried out by both the BAPETEN Team and participants regarding the implementation of the exam. By carrying out a joint evaluation, it is expected that in the future it will be able to improve the quality of the implementation of Expert Competency Certification and produce competent Expert Personnel output. (DKKN/AAAS/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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