Executive Meeting on Acceleration of Business Implementation in Nuclear Sector
Kembali 23 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN as a supervisory body that has the task of carrying out supervision of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia, as mandated in Law Number 10 of 1997. As a means of communication, BAPETEN organizes executive meetings which are expected to be a place to exchange information.

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The Executive Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 23, 2022 in Yogyakarta. The theme discussed this time was "Strengthening the Collaborative Strategy for Supervision of Nuclear Power Utilization in order to Build Public Trust". The executive meeting began with remarks from the Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo saying "We hope that this Executive Meeting is a step in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of supervision of the utilization of nuclear energy, improving the quality of public services and implementing the acceleration of business licensing."

Added in his delivery "As well as increasing stakeholder involvement in the supervision of the nuclear sector so that it has an impact on increasing public satisfaction with BAPETEN's performance, increasing the contribution of the nuclear sector in national economic growth, and increasing public compliance with safety and security standards in the utilization of nuclear power in Indonesia."


The event continued with a presentation by Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin with the theme Collaborative Strategy for Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization.

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Furthermore, a presentation from the Deputy for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga with the theme of Nuclear Legislation: Current Status and Plans.


Presentations were also added from the Director of Data and Information - Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia / BKPM Siti Romayah with the theme of Strategies for Improving the Investment Climate in Indonesia and Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector.


The event was closed with a presentation from the Head of the Working Team for Calibration and Testing of Health Facilities - Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Rakhmat Nugroho with the theme Implementation of the Policy on Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources in Health Care Facilities.

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Through this executive meeting, it is hoped that it can be a step in improving as a means of communication and building public trust in safety and security standards in the utilization of nuclear power in Indonesia. [BHKK/CD/DA]

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